如何避免凌乱AS3 code凌乱、code

由网友(拥你最暖)分享简介:我一直在编程使用ActionScript 3的一小会儿,我已经注意到,我的code中的自然进步似乎采取一个巨大的文档类的形式与几十个成员变量,回调和手柄在舞台上的物体。简而言之:这是怎样的一个烂摊子I've been programming with ActionScript 3 for a little while...

我一直在编程使用ActionScript 3的一小会儿,我已经注意到,我的code中的自然进步似乎采取一个巨大的文档类的形式与几十个成员变量,回调和手柄在舞台上的物体。简而言之:这是怎样的一个烂摊子

I've been programming with ActionScript 3 for a little while and I've noticed that the natural progression of my code seems to take the form of one giant document class with dozens of member variables, callbacks, and handles to objects on the stage. In short: it's kind of a mess!


Thing is, I don't really see a way around it (not yet at least). I use different keyframes on the timeline to represent different states in an app, and while I have some code right on the timeline (for quick things like a mouse click on a movie clip), most of the logic just ends up dumped in the main document class.

所以,我不知道......有什么好的方法来帮助neaten了这个code-了野生?或者,这是正常的吗?我来自一个C ++背景,而我喜欢写面向对象的东西,但我看不到的方式来延续那种结构的闪存。任何有识之士将是非常美联社preciated。

So, I'm wondering... What are some good ways to help neaten up this code-gone-wild? Or is this normal? I come from a C++ background, and I like writing object-oriented stuff, but I can't see a way to carry over that kind of structure to Flash. Any insight would be really appreciated.



您可以将您的许多C ++的技能,你的AS3项目。

You can apply many of your C++ skills to your AS3 project.


There are lots of tricks. Glad you brought up putting code on the main timeline. Instead of putting code on the timeline (this is way too common in AS2 programs and with AS3 you can completely avoid it) I would recommend thinking of each object as a separate class. Your movieclip that you are applying mouseclick code to, for example, could be an object created with its own class. Say the MovieClip is a graphic of a ball. You should be creating a 'Ball' class that extends (inherits) MovieClip class, and handle the mouseclick event within it:

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    public class myObjects.Ball extends MovieClip 
        public function Ball ()
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);

        private function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            // Code


Then, find your MovieClip of the ball in the Library pane, right click it, Properties, switch to Advanced mode, check off Export for AS. Now, notice how your MovieClip already references the MovieClip class as its Base Class? You won't need this any more since your Ball class extends the MovieClip class.. so in Class field write, 'myObjects.Ball' and clear the Base class field. You should see a green checkmark if you wrote a path to your namespaced Ball class that the Flash IDE can locate.


Now your Ball class will use that MovieClip so when you create a new instance of Ball in your main class, you can work with it like a MovieClip and attach it to the Stage, dynamically. Or, you could just add it in the timeline by manually dragging the Ball MovieClip on there.


Extending a class I explained is AS3's version of 'Inheritence' (Ball class inherits the MovieClip class). You can also use other OO-concepts like, polymorphism and encapsulation. You should encapsulate your code in to separate classes wherever possible. Say if you had a few different types of ball MovieClips in your project, and you want Ball class to be a parent class to Soccer ball, Pool ball, and Baseball. Each of those child classes could extend Ball class. Another thing I have found useful for large projects is to create a static class to handle all of my application's events. Since I define it as a public static class I can import it in to each of my classes and its variables are only created once for the duration of the application. This can be extremely useful.

我也创建了自己的伪析构函数的类在努力与AS3的工作更象C ++。拉这一关最简单的方法就是你摧毁一个对象的实例之前调用伪析构函数。我没有让它在一个应用程序中自动发生,因此,如果对此感兴趣的人,我可以追查code ..但AS3在后台处理垃圾收集,通常析构函数是不需要的,但也许我只是觉得它不是'牛逼必要的,因为我开发的坏习惯在AS3节目太久了。

I have also created my own pseudo-destructor in classes in an effort to work with AS3 more like c++. The easiest way to pull this off is to call the pseudo-destructor before you destroy the instance of an object. I did make it happen automatically in one application, so if this interests anyone I can track down the code.. but AS3 handles garbage collection behind the scenes and usually a destructor is not needed, but maybe I just think it isn't needed because I developed bad habits out of programming in AS3 for too long.

我个人认为,你越努力开发应用程序在AS3中,如果您正在开发的C ++中,更多的乐趣它会获得更多的可重复使用的code变。保持很快代替$ C $的搞砸了。C,你将有动作的文件乱七八糟的笑..一个双刃剑位,但whatevs。

Personally, I think the more you strive to develop apps in AS3 as if you are developing in C++, the more fun it gets and the more reusable your code becomes. Keep it up.. soon instead of a mess of code you will have a mess of actionscript files lol.. bit of a double-edged sword but whatevs.


