
由网友(数学你就像把利剑穿透我胸)分享简介:我在主持 http://www.a.com/a.swf。我有另一个doamin试图加载的SWF闪光code:I have a Flex swf hosted at http://www.a.com/a.swf.I have a flash code on another doamin that tries loa...

我在主持 http://www.a.com/a.swf。 我有另一个doamin试图加载的SWF闪光code:

I have a Flex swf hosted at http://www.a.com/a.swf. I have a flash code on another doamin that tries loading the SWF:

_loader = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://services.nuconomy.com/n.swf");


On the onLoaderFinish event I try to load classes from the remote SWF and create them:

_loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition("someClassName") as Class


When this code runs I get the following exception

SecurityError: Error #2119: Security sandbox violation: caller http://localhost.service:1234/flashTest/Main.swf cannot access LoaderInfo.applicationDomain owned by http://www.b.com/b.swf.
    at flash.display::LoaderInfo/get applicationDomain()
    at NuconomyLoader/onLoaderFinish()


Is there any way to get this code working?


这是所有的 Adob​​e的Flex 3的编程ActionScript 3的PDF上页550(第27章:Flash Player安全性/跨脚本):

This is all described in The Adobe Flex 3 Programming ActionScript 3 PDF on page 550 (Chapter 27: Flash Player Security / Cross-scripting):

如果使用ActionScript 3.0编写的两个SWF文件是从不同的服务领域,例如, http://siteA.com /swfA.swf 和 http://siteB.com/swfB.swf - 然后,默认情况下,Flash播放器既不允许swfA.swf脚本swfB.swf也,也不swfB.swf也为脚本swfA.swf。的SWF文件中调用Security.allowDomain授予权限,以从其他域的SWF文件()。通过调用Security.allowDomain(siteA.com),swfB.swf也给出了从siteA.com许可的SWF文件的脚本了。

If two SWF files written with ActionScript 3.0 are served from different domains—for example, http://siteA.com/swfA.swf and http://siteB.com/swfB.swf—then, by default, Flash Player does not allow swfA.swf to script swfB.swf, nor swfB.swf to script swfA.swf. A SWF file gives permission to SWF files from other domains by calling Security.allowDomain(). By calling Security.allowDomain("siteA.com"), swfB.swf gives SWF files from siteA.com permission to script it.


It goes on in some more detail, with diagrams and all.


