如何从CameraUI的在ActionScript 3.0图像旋转为iOS图像、ActionScript、CameraUI、iOS

由网友(故往轻叹)分享简介:我要建一个应用程序使用ActionScript 3.0在我的Flash Builder中。这是一个后续问题this问题,它的工作原理,但是当我拍摄照片,拍摄的图像旋转到左边。我怎么能检查哪些方式,用户拿着手机?然后呢code做我使用到它的相应位置,将图像旋转?I'm building an App with acti...

我要建一个应用程序使用ActionScript 3.0在我的Flash Builder中。这是一个后续问题this问题,它的工作原理,但是当我拍摄照片,拍摄的图像旋转到左边。我怎么能检查哪些方式,用户拿着手机?然后呢code做我使用到它的相应位置,将图像旋转?

I'm building an App with actionscript 3.0 in my Flash builder. This is a followup question to this question, It works but when I take the picture, the image comes out rotated to the left. how can I check which way the user is holding the phone? and then what code do I use to rotate the image to it's corresponding place?


编辑: 我使用这个code旋转图像,但它似乎只旋转图像显示没有图像文件,任何想法?

I'm using this code to rotate the image, but it seems to only rotate the image being displayed not the image file, any ideas?

var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
mat.translate(-W/2, -H/2);
mat.translate(+W/2, +H/2);
myObj.transform.matrix = mat;



您可以使用 Stage.deviceOrientation 或 Stage.orientation *,以确定哪种方式轮手机。

You can use Stage.deviceOrientation or Stage.orientation* to determine which way round the phone is.


*not sure if this one works on iOS


Is it the BitmapData result itself that you want to rotate (ie create a new BitmapData with rotated image) or just rotate a Bitmap on the display list?



Ok, heres some code to rotate a BitmapData object:

function rotateBitmapData(angle:int, source:BitmapData):BitmapData
    var newWidth:int = source.rect.width;
    var newHeight:int = source.rect.height;
    if (angle==90 || angle==270)
        newWidth = source.rect.height;
        newHeight = source.rect.width;
    var newBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(newWidth, newHeight, source.transparent);
    var tx:Number = 0;
    var ty:Number = 0;
    if (angle==90 || angle==180)
        tx = newWidth;
    if (angle==180 || angle==270)
        ty = newHeight;
    var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.createBox(1, 1, Math.PI*angle/180, tx, ty);
    newBmd.draw(source, matrix);
    return newBmd;


angle should be 0,90,180 or 270. It will return a new BitmapData object rotated by specified angle.


