
由网友(空城旧梦何处悲凉)分享简介:我一直在努力,现在弄清楚了一会儿。我通常设法使我的文本框的正常工作,但是这仅仅是我发疯。I've been trying to figure out for a while now. I usually manage to make my textFields work properly, but this is j...


I've been trying to figure out for a while now. I usually manage to make my textFields work properly, but this is just driving me nuts.

我有这样的文本字段,我注入的HTML格式的文本(包含在一个XML文件)。出于某种原因,我几乎所有的标签都被忽略(< B> < I> < U> < UL> <李> )。我只能得到它的渲染< BR /> 标签正确。我可以用一个样式表,但我不认为这会令我的名单的工作......

I have this TextField that I inject HTML formatted text (contained in a XML file). For some reason, almost all my tags are ignored (<b>,<i>,<u>,<ul> and <li>). I can only get it to render <br /> tags properly. I could use a StyleSheet, but I don't think it would make my lists work...


Here's how things are set up:


    <![CDATA[<b>Some bold text </b>and some normal text <br/><u>This text is underlined</u> normal text to compare<br/><i/>This text is italic</i>]]>


How my TextField is set:

// When my Class' setup method is called, I set those properties
_tf = _transcript.getTextFormat();
_tf.font = "Verdana";
_tf.size = 12;
_transcript.embedFonts  = true;
_transcript.multiline   = true;
_transcript.autoSize    = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_transcript.wordWrap    = true;

// In an function, later on
_transcript.htmlText = transcript;  // transcript is a parameter. Basically, the XML I wrote above

我DO 已经Verdana字体嵌入(以及变体)。我确信通过生成大小报告和跟踪Font.enumerateFonts()。如果我的输出文本域的的htmlText在已经建立起来,我得到这样的:

I DO have Verdana embed (as well as the variants). I made sure by generating a size report and tracing Font.enumerateFonts(). If I output the textField's htmlText after having set it up, I get this:

&LT; p align =left&GT;&LT; FONT FACE =宋体SIZE =12COLOR =#FFFFFF字母间距=0字距=0&GT;一些大胆的文字和一些正常的文字&lt; / FONT&GT;&LT; / P&GT;&LT; p align =left&GT;&LT; FONT FACE =宋体SIZE =12COLOR =#FFFFFF字母间距=0 字距=0&gt;这带下划线的文字普通文本比较&LT; / FONT&GT;&LT; / P&GT;&LT; p align =left&GT;&LT; FONT FACE =宋体SIZE =12COLOR = #FFFFFF字母间距=0字距=0&gt;这斜体文字&LT; / FONT&GT;&LT; / P&GT;

我真的没了主意,为什么没有任何的工作,如果任何人有任何想法,我真的AP preciate它!

I'm really out of ideas on why nothing's working, if anyone had any idea, I'd really appreciate it!!


编辑:所以,我决定测试其在我的XML无CDATA,并添加&LT; B&GT; 在我的AS3 $ C标记$ C。没有任何工作。我不明白我怎么能有我的字体正确地嵌入,但Flash拒绝使用它们。

So I decided to test having no CDATA in my XML, and adding the <b> tag in my AS3 code. Didn't work either. I don't get how I can have my fonts correctly embed, but Flash refusing to use them.



Ok to get this to work, I have used the following syntax:

        <![CDATA[<b>Some bold text </b>and some normal text <br/><u>This text is underlined</u> normal text to compare<br/><i/>This text is italic</i>]]>


I didnt try including any of the extra script you have in your question, but it seems to handle the html tags ok like this.


Also here is the livedocs reference I used to check my syntax...

http://livedocs.adobe.com/柔性/ 3 / HTML / help.html?内容= textcontrols_04.html


Looking back at your question I've just realised that you probably aren't using Flex, ok so this is Flex specific, sorry.


