从迁移到AS2 AS3

由网友(活物【】rou)分享简介:我想知道的人谁已经这样做了,我不得不采取特殊的外观的任何建议和事情,我已经看到了相关的话题了一些文章,用Google搜索它,等... 但我想从stackoverflower X上的建议)我已经知道在C面向对象编程++,使用类等,但我不是很了解AS3包之类的东西,但我很熟悉AS2。感谢解决方案 删除你什么都知道,重新...


但我想从stackoverflower X上的建议)



解决方案 删除你什么都知道,重新开始。 AS2比AS3不同。不要试图做的事情AS2与AS3。 在读取和放大器;学习的Adobe LiveDocs中 了解如何在显示列表的工作。 了解AS3编码标准,编写清晰可读code 学习如何使用常见的动作库,TweenLite的,盖亚框架的Robotlegs,寺库,纯MVC,Away3D中,的as3corelib等。 永远不要code闪光IDE actionspanel里面,有非常好的动作编辑器,如FlashDevelop中,FDT,FlashBuilder,的IntelliJ。

I would like to know from someone who have already done that, any recommendations and things I have to take a special look, I have seen some articles related to the topic, googled it, etc...

but I would like the advice from stackoverflower x)

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I already know object oriented programming in c++, using classes and etc, but I can't quite understand AS3 packages and stuff, but i'm very familiarized with AS2.



Drop everything you know, start fresh. AS2 is different than AS3. Don't try to do the AS2 thing with AS3. Read & Learn the Adobe LiveDocs Learn how the display list works. Learn AS3 coding standards, write clean readable code Learn how to use common actionscript libraries, TweenLite, Gaia framework, RobotLegs, Temple Library, Pure MVC, Away3D, as3corelib etc. Never ever code inside the Flash IDE actionspanel, there are really nice actionscript editors like FlashDevelop, FDT, FlashBuilder, IntelliJ.


