
由网友(我爱你°只不过是一句玩笑)分享简介:如何一个轨道,并使用该旋转上初始化一个物体的坐标How does one track and use the coordinates of an object that is rotated on initialization?让我们说我有一个是把舞台上的主要的init()剑;和旋转(调整),这样它看起来确定连同人...


How does one track and use the coordinates of an object that is rotated on initialization?


Let's say I have a sword that is put on the stage in Main init(); and rotated (adjusted) so that it would look ok together with the character perspective. In another class however, I am making the sword rotate some more on a keypress timer event so to create a 'swing' animation.


All this is done through flashdevelop. I only used CS6 to create the symbols. And as this 'swing' is happening, I want to add another symbol onto the tip of the sword which is a collision point object. It's being added to the stage when the swing starts and removed after every swing. I want this object to follow the very tip of the sword, yet it seems like I can only achieve that it follows the coordinates of the original sword object, as if I hadn't initially modified the rotation of the said sword. I tried to implement GlobalToLocal() and LocalToGlobal() methods, but I don't think I fully understand what is happening with that.


I hope I'm being clear enough of what I'm trying to do. Thank you. This is the relevant code in question. The code is as was before I tried the two mentioned methods and the issue currently is exactly as described before that. Do I want any of those methods or am I just doing something else wrong?


sword = new Sword();

sword.x = 53;
sword.y = 90;
sword.rotationZ = -150;
sword.rotationY = 25;
sword.rotationX = -15;

Coll_Point = new coll_point();


private function SwingTime(event:Event):void
    Main.Coll_Point.x = Main.sword.x + Main.sword.width;
    Main.Coll_Point.y = Main.sword.y + Main.sword.height;

    if (Main.sword.rotationZ > -330)
    Main.sword.rotationZ -= 20;

    if (Main.sword.rotationX < 15)
    Main.sword.rotationX += 10;

    if ((Main.sword.rotationZ == -330) && (Main.sword.rotationX == 15))

编辑: 一个更全面的版本的code:

A more holistic version of the code:

public class Main extends MovieClip 
    public static var from_point:Point = null;
    public static var to_point:Point = new Point();
    public function Main():void
        if (stage) init();
        else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

    // Puts everything on the stage here.
    private function init(e:Event = null):void
    removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        PlayerInst = new Dorf();
        PlayerInst.x = 45;
        PlayerInst.y = 51;

        sword = new Sword();
        sword.x = 53;
        sword.y = 90;
        sword.rotationZ = -150;
        sword.rotationY = 25;
        sword.rotationX = -15;
        from_point = new Point (Main.sword.width, Main.sword.height);
        to_point = sword.localToGlobal(from_point);
        swordBD = new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0x0000000000);

        Coll_Point = new coll_point();
        Coll_PointBD = new BitmapData(2, 2, true, 0x0000000000);


This is how the Main looks like and literally every single object instantiation is added onto the stage this way. Including collision points, background, characters, gradient fills of line of sight radius, etc. And the relevant symbol class goes somewhat like this:

public class Creature extends MovieClip 
    protected var Swing:Boolean;
    private var SwingTimer:Timer = new Timer (5, 0);
    private var SwingBckTimer:Timer = new Timer (150, 1);
// Constructor.
    public function Creature()
        if (stage) init();
        else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

    // Initializer.
    private function init(event:Event = null):void
        removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

        SwingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, SwingTime);
        SwingBckTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, SwingBack);
private function SwingAction():void
        if (Swing == true)

    private function SwingTime(event:Event):void
        Main.Coll_Point.x = Main.sword.localToGlobal(Main.from_point).x;
        Main.Coll_Point.y = Main.sword.localToGlobal(Main.from_point).y;

        if (Main.sword.rotationZ > -330)
        Main.sword.rotationZ -= 20;

        if (Main.sword.rotationX < 15)
        Main.sword.rotationX += 10;

        if ((Main.sword.rotationZ == -330) && (Main.sword.rotationX == 15))

    private function SwingBack(event:Event):void
        Main.sword.rotationZ = -150;
        Main.sword.rotationX = -15;


There is also a rather long update(); function that animates and moves every single object that needs moving.



    Main.Coll_Point.x = Main.sword.x + Main.sword.width;
    Main.Coll_Point.y = Main.sword.y + Main.sword.height;


Coll_Point expects global coordinates.

零件 + Main.sword.width + Main.sword.height 只按预期工作,如果剑不转动,使得高度与y轴和宽度与x轴一致。

The parts + Main.sword.width and + Main.sword.height only work as expected if the sword is not rotated so that height is aligned with the y-axis and width with the x-axis.

您应该使用 localToGlobal()上是本地的 Main.sword (位置 Main.sword.width,Main.sword.height )来获取重新presents旋转尖剑添加它作为一个孩子之前在全球的地位。

You should use localToGlobal() on the position that is local to Main.sword ( Main.sword.width, Main.sword.height) to get the global position that represents the swords rotated tip before you add it as a child.


添加Coll_Point作为一个孩子的东西上面的剑在层次结构(第一阶段,MazeNr1,...)和手动更新的位置每一个定时器的回调。你将不得不重新计算的位置每次,所以取 localToGlobal()从初始化到您的定时器功能。它不会更新,如果它不被调用。 Add the Coll_Point as a child to something above the sword in hierarchy (Stage, MazeNr1, ...) and update the position manually every timer callback. You would have to recalculate the position everytime, so take the localToGlobal() from init to your timer function. It won't update if it doesn't get called.


For that you should have this kind of code in the timer callback:

var local:Point = new Point(Main.sword.width, Main.sword.height);
var global:Point = Main.sword.localToGlobal(local);
Main.Coll_Point.x = global.x;
Main.Coll_Point.y = global.y;

添加点作为子剑。这可能是一个更好的方法,因为随后的位置将被自动更新。我不记得是什么之前,是你,然后给在本地形式的坐标,所以不要使用 localToGlobal()

运行这个一旦你创建其中 Col​​lision_Point

Run this once where you create the Collision_Point:

Coll_Point.x = <your x offset>;
Coll_Point.y = <your y offset>;

而不是剑高度宽度你可能想尝试像 -height 宽度/ 2

Instead of sword height and width you might want to try something like -height and width/2.


Here is a quick (and not the prettiest) picture to demonstrate the problem. Local space is rotated with the object:


