如何获得有关错误500的详细信息 - 内部服务器错误?错误、详细信息、如何获得、服务器

由网友(此人危險、請勿靠近)分享简介:我用我的PHP的网站都很多地方 $ AJAX 要求是正常使用,直到前几天我所有的 $ AJAX 请求开始给错误500 - 内部服务器错误。我可以在控制台中看到的错误,也是我用错误处理程序,以获取有关错误的详细信息。这是我的Ajax请求I use $ajax requests in many parts of m...

我用我的PHP的网站都很多地方 $ AJAX 要求是正常使用,直到前几天我所有的 $ AJAX 请求开始给错误500 - 内部服务器错误。 我可以在控制台中看到的错误,也是我用错误处理程序,以获取有关错误的详细信息。 这是我的Ajax请求

I use $ajax requests in many parts of my PHP website everything was working perfectly until few days ago all my $ajax requests start giving error 500 - internal server error. I can see that error in the console and also I used error handler to get more information about the error. That is my Ajax request

            type: "GET",
            url: "include-ajax/is_it_midnight.php",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(data)
                if(data == 1)
                    //Reload website at midnight
                    error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

    }, 10000);


that is what i get on my browser:



$current_hour = date('H');
$current_minute = date('i');
$current_second = date('s');
//If the website was open between the 00:00:00 and 00:00:10 it will refresh automatically
//else it will not be open it will open after midnight so it will have aleardy the new day data 
if($current_hour == 0 && $current_minute == 0 && ($current_second > 0 && $current_second < 10))
    $is_it_midnight = 1;//This flag means it is midnight
    $is_it_midnight = 2;//This flag means it is not midnight
echo json_encode($is_it_midnight);

一些注意事项:  1.它是不是给这个错误所有的时间,有时它工作正常,并把正确的反应(我看到网站上的反应和标题信息,当我检查网络选项卡中的铬控制台)。  2.不要紧,如果类型为GET或POST它不断给我同样的问题(我显示此阿贾克斯例如使用GET类型,但我也POST类型的请求在我的网站同样的问题)。  3.我添加ini_set('display_errors',1);``ini_set('display_startup_errors',1);``error_reporting(-1);到开始时的 is_it_midnight.php ,但没有任何错误显示,因为我相信没有语法或任何其他PHP错误(因为有时它工作正常和正确)。  4.我也检查服务器错误日志但并没有什么与此有关的文件或任何其他Ajax的文件都没有。  5.我试图检查,如果这是一个超时错误,但我没有得到任何暂停 textStatus 它只是警告错误

Some Notes: 1. It is not giving this error all the time sometimes it works fine and bring the response correctly (I see the response and header information on the website and when I check network tab in the chrome console). 2. it does not matter if the type is GET OR POST it keeps giving me the same problem (I show this ajax example with GET type but I have also POST type requests in my website with the same problem). 3. I add the ini_set('display_errors',1);``ini_set('display_startup_errors',1);``error_reporting(-1); to the start of the is_it_midnight.php but no errors showed because i believe there is no syntax or any other php errors (because sometimes it works fine and correctly). 4. I check also the server error log but there is nothing related to this files or any other ajax file at all. 5. I tried to check if this is a timeout error but I did not get any timeout from textStatus it just alert error.

更新: 我检查Apache日志,我发现这样的事情: [周六02月21日7点35分05秒2015年] [错误] [客户176.40.150.195]脚本头的premature结束:is_it_midnight.php,引用者:http://www.example.com/index.php

UPDATE : I checked apache log and I found something like this: [Sat Feb 21 07:35:05 2015] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: is_it_midnight.php, referer: http://www.example.com/index.php


I need any useful help or clue to understand why do I get this error is there anything I did not try it to get more information about that error???



First of all you must be sure that the error log mechanism it's well configured.


To do that add the following code or similar:

ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "/tmp/php-error.log");
error_log( "Php Errors!" );


An other issue that I notice it's that your php script it's not returning 100% valid JSON and I also think that you can refactor the code to return the result without the necessity to create any variable (better performance, faster, lees code) avoiding any kind of memory allocations problems.


In some cases very loaded shared servers or unscalable VPS can experiment very low memory and can randomly generate errors when try to allocate memory for variables.


I don't know if you use some kind of Framework or not but a different way to write your script in pure php can be something like this:

header('Content-Type: application/json');
return (date('H') == 0 AND date('i') == 0 AND (date('s') > 0 AND date('s') < 10)) ? json_encode(['res' => 1]) : json_encode(['res' => 2]);

这code总是返回有效的JSON格式如 {资源:1} {资源:2} 键,您可以轻松地访问该槽JS这样的水库= data.res;执行console.log(RES); ,你会评估此类似这样:(data.res === 1)

This code will always return valid JSON format like {"res":1} or {"res":2} and you can easily access this trough JS like this res = data.res; console.log(res); and you'll evaluate this like this: (data.res === 1).


In your case, you are using dataType: "json" and this in almost all cases it's not woking well if your php it's not returning valid JSON. Maybe you consider to remove it, it's not very important here if you are not enferced to expect only valid JSON.

您可以尝试一下,看看发生了什么。 如果错误仍然存​​在,你可以看到它的 /tmp/php-error.log 文件中。并与您的托管公司评论它。

You can give it a try and see what is happening. If the error persist you can see it inside the /tmp/php-error.log file. and comment it with your hosting company.


As a parentheses, I would like to add that your script should return 1 or 0, true or false instead of 1 or 2. It's just a more pragmatic way to doit.


Let me know if my answer was helpful or if you can't fix the problem and I will try to help you.

再见! Suerte!

Bye Bye! Suerte!


