ASP.NET / JavaScript的 - Ajax调用,怎么样?NET、ASP、Ajax、JavaScript

由网友(残缺悬念)分享简介:请温柔,因为我还是新的网页编程和-very-新的Ajax!Please be gentle, as I'm still new to web programming and -very- new to Ajax!我已经创建了一个C#函数,它从一个MSSQL数据库提取数据,其格式为JSON字符串,并返回。现在我需要通...


Please be gentle, as I'm still new to web programming and -very- new to Ajax!


I've created a C# function which extracts data from an mssql database, formats it to a json string and returns that. Now I need to make a call from my javascript (jQuery) slider through an aspx page that is related to the C# code file.

我其实从来没有做过这样的事,从我可以告诉google搜索,我需要使用xmlHtt prequest,但究竟如何让我的功能弄个这串?

I have actually never done anything like this before, from what I could tell by googling I need to use xmlHttpRequest, but how exactly do I make the function get hold of this string?


It would be awesome if someone had some example code that shows how this works.


这是使用jQuery相对比较容易,如果你标记C#函数作为[WebMethod的]或使其部分ASP.NET web服务的。这两种技术可以很容易地有自动转换成ASP.NET JSON对象,这使得处理客户端更容易(恕我直言)的响应。

It's relatively easy with jQuery if you mark the C# function as a [WebMethod] or make it part of a ASP.NET webservice. Both these techniques make it easy to have the response automatically converted into a JSON object by ASP.NET, which makes processing on the client easier (IMHO).

下面的例子是,如果页面有一个的WebMethod 的GetData ,但它是微不足道的更改URL,如果创建服务。

The example below is if the page has a WebMethod named GetData, but it's trivial to change the URL if you create a service.

$.ajax({ url: "somepage.aspx/GetData", 
         method: "POST", // post is safer, but could also be GET
         data: {}, // any data (as a JSON object) you want to pass to the method
         success: function() { alert('We did it!'); }


public static object GetData() {
    // query the data...
    // return as an anonymous object, which ASP.NET converts to JSON
    return new { result = ... };