
由网友(两耳就是菩提)分享简介:我注意到,与IE8和IE9,如果我叫我使用jQuery.ajax()与REST的API 发表和 PUT 动词,那么我不取回任何响应头在jqXHR。然而,GET请求正常工作。此行​​为与其他浏览器不同。我验证过铬,FF,Opera和Safari都返回的全套预期的报头中的POST和PUT请求的响应。只有IE8和IE9似乎被...

我注意到,与IE8和IE9,如果我叫我使用jQuery.ajax()与REST的API 发表和 PUT 动词,那么我不取回任何响应头在jqXHR。然而,GET请求正常工作。

此行​​为与其他浏览器不同。我验证过铬,FF,Opera和Safari都返回的全套预期的报头中的POST和PUT请求的响应。只有IE8和IE9似乎被抛头在地板上。 (有一件事我没有检查是HEAD请求会发生什么。)


这是一个已知的问题?如果是这样,有没有解决方法。我可以重载以下POST和PUT /覆盖东西了jQuery preserve头?我现在的解决方法是使用成功的回调函数里面一个GET简单地重新读取该修改的数据,因为IE8和IE9不要乱用头文件获取操作。

温故jQuery Ajax,你会有新的发现


        的contentType:应用/ JSON的;字符集= UTF-8,
            // ...
            // ...


事实证明,这是一个已知问题与IE浏览器的所有当前的味道(7,8,9)。如果响应code是 204 ,然后IE浏览器简单地抛出地板上的标题。对于像我这样的人编写需要一个上最新的eTag并发检查,纯AJAX实现,IE杀害纯AJAX方法,迫使我做即时GET获取当前的eTag。 :facepalm:


ETag头在HTTP在Internet Explorer中没有内容的响应缺少






I've noticed that with IE8 and IE9, if I call my RESTful API using jQuery.ajax() with POST and PUT verbs, then I don't get back any response headers in jqXHR. However, GET requests work as expected.

This behavior is different from all other browsers. I've verified that Chrome, FF, Opera, and Safari all return the full set of expected headers in the response for POST and PUT requests. Only IE8 and IE9 seem to be throwing the headers on the floor. (One thing I haven't checked is what happens with HEAD requests.)

I've verified with Fiddler that the headers are actually making it over the wire, so the problem is either with jQuery itself or with IE8 and IE9.

Is this a known issue? If so, is there a workaround. Can I overload/overwrite something in jQuery to preserve headers following POST and PUT? My current workaround is to simply refetch the modified data using a GET inside the success callback since IE8 and IE9 don't mess with headers for GET operations.

Here's a snippet of my main jQuery-based AJAX worker method:

        url: String.format(um.proxy.url, url),
        type: ajaxParams.verb,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        data: String.format('{0}', ajaxParams.jsonData),
        headers: mapOfHeaders,
        success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        error: function (msg, textStatus, errorThrown) {


Turns out that this is a known issue with all current flavors of IE (7, 8, and 9). If the response code is a 204, then IE simply throws all headers on the floor. For folks like me writing pure AJAX implementations that require an up-to-date eTag for concurrency checks, IE slays the pure AJAX approach and forces me to do an immediate GET to fetch the current eTag. :facepalm:

Here are a couple of articles I managed to dig up:

ETag header missing in HTTP No Content responses in Internet Explorer


response.headers.ETag undefined


One partial workaround is to sniff for IE and then do an immediate HEAD request to fetch the ETag, but the problem with this approach is that if someone has managed to sneak in ahead of you and update the record, you'll be getting the eTag for her changes, not yours. So this is not an acceptable workaround.

So, I sniff for IE and do an immediate GET. Otherwise for all other browsers, I simply use jQuery's jqXHR.getResponseHeader(namespace.constants.headers.eTag) to get the eTag.


