
由网友(毛爷爷被人拐走了)分享简介:我有这样一个非常简单的长轮询AJAX调用:I have a very simple long polling ajax call like this:(function poll(){$.ajax({ url: "myserver", success: function(data){//do my stuff he...


I have a very simple long polling ajax call like this:

(function poll(){
    $.ajax({ url: "myserver", success: function(data){
        //do my stuff here

    }, dataType: "json", complete: poll, timeout: 30000 });

我只是拿起这个例子在今天下午,似乎工作的伟大。我用它来构建我的网页上一些HTML,它几乎是瞬间尽我可以告诉。我有点担心,虽然,这是要保持工作线程我的服务器上开放的,如果我有太大的服务器上的负载,它会完全停止。有人可以提供一些线索这一理论?在后端我有一个的WebAPI服务(.NET MVC 4)调用数据库,构建对象,然后将对象回落。它还在我看来,为了使这项工作,服务器就必须不断地调用数据库...这不可能是好的吗???

I just picked this example up this afternoon and it seems to work great. I'm using it to build out some html on my page and it's nearly instantaneous as best I can tell. I'm a little worried though that this is going to keep worker threads open on my server and that if I have too big of a load on the server, it's going to stop entirely. Can someone shed some light on this theory? On the back end I have a webapi service (.net mvc 4) that calls a database, build the object, then passes the object back down. It also seems to me that in order for this to work, the server would have to be calling the database constantly...and that can't be good right???


My next question is what is the best way on the client to determine if I need to update the html on my page? Currently I"m using JSON.stringify() to turn my object into a string and comparing the string that comes down to the old string and if there's a delta, it re-writes the html on the page. right now there's not a whole lot in the object coming down, but it could potentially get very large and I think doing that string comparison could be pretty resource intensive on the client...especially if it's doing it nearly constantly.


bottom line for me is this: I"m not sure exactly sure how long polling works. I just googled it and found the above sample code and implemented it and, on the surface, it's awesome. I just fear that it's going to bog things down (on the server) and my way of comparing old results to new is going to bog thigns down (on the client).

您可以提供的任何及所有信息,大大AP preciated。

any and all information you can provide is greatly appreciated.



我agreee与SLaks - 即使用SignalR,如果你需要实时的网络使用的WebAPI http://www.asp.net/signalr 。长轮询是很难落实好,让别人去处理这些复杂性,即使用SignalR(对的WebAPI自然的选择)或彗星。

I agreee with SLaks - i.e. use SignalR if you need realtime web with WebApi http://www.asp.net/signalr. Long polling is difficult to implement well, let someone else handle that complexity i.e. use SignalR (natural choice for WebApi) or Comet.


SignalR attempts 3 other forms of communication before resorting to long polling, web sockets, server sent events and forever frame (here).


In some circumstances you may be better of with simple polling i.e. a hit every second or so to update... take a look at this article. But here is a quote:

当你有很高的消息量,长轮询没有提供任何实质性的   性能改进了传统的轮询。事实上,它可能会更糟,   因为长轮询可能会失控成   即时民调节流,连续循环。

when you have a high message volume, long-polling does not provide any substantial performance improvements over traditional polling. In fact, it could be worse, because the long-polling might spin out of control into an unthrottled, continuous loop of immediate polls.


The fear is that with any significant load on your web page your 30 second ajax query could end up being your own denial of service attack.

即使贝叶(的 CometD )将诉诸简单的投票,如果负载得到太多:

Even Bayeux (CometD) will resort to simple polling if the load gets too much:

增加服务器负载和资源耗尽通过使用解决   重新连接和区间意见领域节流的客户,这在   在最坏情况下退化到传统的轮询行为。

Increased server load and resource starvation are addressed by using the reconnect and interval advice fields to throttle clients, which in the worst-case degenerate to traditional polling behaviour.



If you are using long polling then your server should ideally only be returning an update if something actually has changed thus your UI should probably "trust" the response and assume that a response means new data. The same goes for any of the Server Push type approaches.

如果您是对简单的投票回落移动的 pullmethod 的,那么你可以使用内置的HTTP方法使用检测更新了If-Modified-Since头这将让你返回一个304未修改,所以服务器将检查对象的时间戳和仅返回200,如果它已经从上次的请求修改的一个对象。

If you did move back down towards simple polling pullmethod then you can use the inbuilt http methods for detecting an update using the If-Modified-Since header which would allow you to return a 304 Not Modified, so the server would check the timestamp of an object and only return a 200 with an object if it had been modified since the last request.


