
由网友(你当是无所谓,我却很在乎)分享简介:我需要如何做到这一点的一些用法示例。我有一些HTML代码:I need some usage examples for how to accomplish this. I have some HTML:我需要如何做到这一点的一些用法示例。我有一些HTML代码:

I need some usage examples for how to accomplish this. I have some HTML:

<div id="chatDisplay">
<input type="text" id="message" /><input type="button" id="send" value="Send" />


Then I have some JQuery:

// This function sets up the ajax that posts chat messages to the server.
     $('#send').click(function ()
               url: "chat/postmsg",,
               data: { msg: $('#message').val(); },
               type: "POST",
               success: function (response)
                    // Server sends back formated html to append to chatDisplay.
                    //scroll to bottom of chatDisplay

// This function periodically checks the server for updates to the chat.
$(function ()
               url: "chat/getupdates",
               type: "POST",
               success: function (response)
                         // Server sends back any new updates since last check.
                         // Perform scroll and data display functions. Pseudo-code to follow:

                         // If (chatDisplay is scrolled to bottom)
                         // {
                         //     append response to chatDisplay
                         //     scroll to bottom of chatDisplay
                         // }
                         // else if (chatDisplay is scrolled up from bottom by any amount)
                         // {
                         //     append response to chatDisplay, but do not scroll to bottom.
                         // }
     }, 7000);

这是基本的聊天功能,但不包括服务器端$ C $当然了C只是一个例子。我需要的是如何完成的伪code描述了一个使用样本。如何检测,如果用户滚动到DIV的底部,以及如何滚动它们的底部?我不希望他们被跃升至DIV的底部,如果它们滚动起来看看聊天记录。

This is just an example of basic chat features, excluding server-side code of course. What I need is a usage sample of how to accomplish what the pseudo-code describes. How do I detect if the user is scrolled to the bottom of the DIV, and how do I scroll them to the bottom? I don't want them to be jumped to the bottom of the DIV if they are scrolling up to look at chat history.


I have heard of JQuery's ScrollTo plugin, but just need some examples.



Here is the solution for those interested.

success: function (response)
     var elem = $('#chatDisplay');
     var atBottom = (elem[0].scrollHeight - elem.scrollTop() == elem.outerHeight());
     if (atBottom)

转到 http://www.jsfiddle.net/f4YFL/4/ 了解对这个动作的一个例子。

Go to http://www.jsfiddle.net/f4YFL/4/ for an example of this in action.



Seems like you can refactor your pseudo-code to this:

追加响应chatDisplay 如果(chatDisplay在底部){滚动到底}

append response to chatDisplay if(chatDisplay at the bottom){ scroll to the bottom }


Here is a link of how to determine if you are scrolled to the bottom:

的http:// yelotofu .COM / 2008/10 / jQuery的 - 如何对告诉-IF-您选择,滚动到下/




