
由网友(再美都是荒涼)分享简介:当我调用通过AJAX,它的做工精细REST服务。 http://www.myserver.com/customers :我与HTTP如URL盯着调用它。它的作品真的很棒。 When I am calling a REST service through AJAX, its working fine. I am ca...

当我调用通过AJAX,它的做工精细REST服务。 http://www.myserver.com/customers :我与HTTP如URL盯着调用它。它的作品真的很棒。

When I am calling a REST service through AJAX, its working fine. I am calling it with the URL staring with HTTP e.g.: http://www.myserver.com/customers. Its works really great.

但是,当我调用一个相同的URL,但使用HTTPS,例如: https://www.myserver.com/customers , 我没有收到来自服务器的响应。

But when I am calling a same URL but with HTTPs e.g.: https://www.myserver.com/customers, I am not getting any response from server.

它不工作的GET或POST两种。 它不工作在Mac的Firefox中,其实我开发使用的PhoneGap框架的iPhone应用程序。 它也没有工作在iPhone模拟器的移动Safari浏览器。 任何人都可以在这里知道是什么问题呢?而如何解决此问题?

Its not working for GET or POST both. Its not working in Mac firefox, actually I am developing an application for iPhone using phonegap framework. Its also not working in iPhone simulator's mobile safari. Can anyone here know what problem is this? And how to solve this?



The requesting domain must match the requested domain down to the protocol, according to the Same Origin Policy


