
由网友(昇龍)分享简介:轨道新手herem,我正在寻找了解jQuery的一点点,所以我想我会尝试使用AJAX我的局部视图之间切换。现在在我的用户的破折号我有一个链接到他们的喜欢页面,它需要全部重新加载看到'喜欢'网页,我将如何改变这个刷新的likes_user_path @用户)? 意见/页/ home.html.erb < D​​IV...


现在在我的用户的破折号我有一个链接到他们的喜欢页面,它需要全部重新加载看到'喜欢'网页,我将如何改变这个刷新的likes_user_path @用户)?

意见/页/ home.html.erb

 < D​​IV ID =左>
    < D​​IV ID =DASH-统计>
       &所述; A HREF =&其中;%= likes_user_path(@user)%>中>
         < D​​IV ID =喜欢级=STAT>喜欢
           &其中;%= @ user.likes.count%GT;
         < / DIV>
       &所述; / a取代;
    < / DIV>
  < / DIV>

  < D​​IV ID =权与GT;
    < D​​IV ID =内容>
    < / DIV>
  < / DIV>


    @title =喜欢
    @user = User.find(PARAMS [:ID])
    @like_stuff = @ user.likes.paginate(:页=> PARAMS [:页面])




看到这份年终总结,老板都忍不住偷笑 图表 形状 勾选

然后,在你的控制器,请确保您有一个 respond_to代码:HTML,:当然JS 上方(可以有其他的选择,但:JS 已在他们中间)

在这之后,你可以做一个调用的函数喜欢在你的控制器,用于装载的喜欢,它看起来像你的,只有你不这样做渲染结尾,但 respond_with @likes 。通过让:JS 的respond_to 过滤器,Rails会自动地采取相应的行动时,应该

接下来,所谓相应的视图 likes.js.erb (我不能完全肯定,如果CoffeeScript的将工作的开箱即用在这种情况下),在其中把类似

  $('#喜欢)HTML('<%= escape_javascript(渲染喜欢,:喜欢=> @likes)%>')。


 < D​​IV ID =喜欢>
  <%=渲染喜欢,:喜欢=> @likes%>
< / DIV>

和也有一个 _likes.html.erb 部分这使得喜欢

 <%likes.each办|喜欢| %>
  < D​​IV>
    &其中;%= like.name%GT;
  < / DIV>


rails newbie herem, I'm looking to learn a little bit about jquery so I figured I'd try to switch between my partial views using AJAX.

Right now on my user's dash I have a link to their 'likes' page, it requires a full reload to see the 'likes' page, how would I change this to refresh with the likes_user_path@user)??


  <div id="left">
    <div id="dash-statistics">
       <a href="<%= likes_user_path(@user) %>">
         <div id="likes" class="stat">Likes
           <%= @user.likes.count %>

  <div id="right">
    <div id="content">


  def likes
    @title = "Likes"
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    @like_stuff = @user.likes.paginate(:page => params[:page])
    render 'show_likes' 


What I understand is that you want to reload the likes by clicking a link, by using ajax, in your user dashboard.

First thing to do is rewrite the link, and add a :remote => true like this:

<%= link_to "Likes", likes_user_path(@user), :remote => true %>

Then, in your controller, make sure you have a respond_to :html, :js at the top (there can of course be other options, but :js has to be among them)

After that, you could do a function called likes in your controller which to use for loading the likes, which looks something like yours, only you don't do render at the end, but respond_with @likes. By having :js in the respond_to filter, Rails will automagically act accordingly when supposed to.

Next, make a corresponding view called likes.js.erb (i'm not exactly sure if coffeescript will work out of the box in this case) in which you put something like

$('#likes').html('<%= escape_javascript(render "likes", :likes => @likes) %>');

This assumes that in your main view in which you want to render the likes ,there's an element with the id=likes which could look like this:

<div id="likes">
  <%= render "likes", :likes => @likes %>

and there's also a _likes.html.erb partial which renders the likes

<% likes.each do |like| %>
    <%= like.name %>
<% end %>

And with this I think I pretty much covered it.


