AJAX TabContainer的FormView控件内不插入值控件、AJAX、TabContainer、FormView

由网友(萌哒哒的小怪兽)分享简介:我有一个数据绑定FormView控件(以present按类别前的信息:客户端生物数据,健康史,财务细节...)内的TabContainer的。更新和FormView控件的插入不工作(发布NULL值到数据库) - 我猜的FormView无法找到选项卡容器的标签面板内的文本框。 I have a TabContainer...

我有一个数据绑定FormView控件(以present按类别前的信息:客户端生物数据,健康史,财务细节...)内的TabContainer的。更新和FormView控件的插入不工作(发布NULL值到数据库) - 我猜的FormView无法找到选项卡容器的标签面板内的文本框。

I have a TabContainer inside a data bound FormView (to present the information by category ex: Client Bio data, health history, financial details...). The Update and Insert of the formView doesn't work (posting NULL values to the database) - I guess the FormView cannot find the TextBoxes inside the tab container's tab panels.

一些论坛说,这是因为TabContainer的的实现(设计)的作INamingContainer,而黑客就是利用的TabContainer的控制 来源$ C ​​$ C(阿贾克斯CTL工具包的源$ C ​​$ c)和去除它的作INamingContainer接口...太复杂,我的口味......我有点失去了。

Some of the forums say that it's because of the TabContainer's implementation (by design) of "INamingContainer", and a hack is to take control of the TabContainer's source code (ajax ctl toolkit's source code) and remove the "INamingContainer" interface from it... Too complicated to my taste .. I'm kinda lost.


Well is there a straight forward and better way to fix this? I'm dazzled to see that the toolkit has failed to implement this basic functionnality as for most developper ordering info (tab control) with formview is a common need.

在此先感谢, Jeewai

Thanks in advance, Jeewai



Answering my own thread... I got some great inside from the asp.net forum and decided to post the solution here: Reproducing the explanation that helped me out:


Hope that will clear out some questions to other users who may encounter the same issue.

最好的, JY

块引用   嗨JY,


The short answer is that when a Bind statement is compiled, there are some limitations on extracting values for an insert/update. If the controls within the FormView are then within another Naming Container (TabContainer and TabPanel are both naming containers), then the compiler can't resolve how to extract the value from the TextBox. I have a more detailed discussion of this on my blog at http://www.aarongoldenthal.com/post/2009/03/15/ASPNET-Databinding-Bind()-Method-Dissected.aspx.


To get around this, you'll need to extract the values manually, something like:

保护无效FormView1_ItemUpdating(对象发件人,FormViewUpdateEventArgs E) {     //获取引用的控件     文本框LastNameTextBox = FormView1.FindControl(TabContainer1)的FindControl(TabPanel1)的FindControl(LastNameTextBox)的文本框;

protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { // Get references to the controls TextBox LastNameTextBox= FormView1.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("TabPanel1").FindControl("LastNameTextBox") as TextBox;

// Set update parameters in datasource
ObjectDataSource1.UpdateParameters["LastName"].DefaultValue = LastNameTextBox.Text;



Since FindControl only searches the current naming container, you'll need to dig through each naming container (FormView, TabContainer, and TabPanel) to get to the TextBox.





