
由网友(一地悲伤)分享简介:我要开始学习HTML和使用AJAX一个Linux发行版。I want to start learning HTML and AJAX using a Linux distribution.谁能推荐一个分布有以下要求:Can anyone recommend a distribution that has thes...


I want to start learning HTML and AJAX using a Linux distribution.


Can anyone recommend a distribution that has these requirements:

在本地主机管理界面(如phpMyAdmin) 在IDE为Javascript ...等


第一个问题 - 你为什么要做到这一点在Linux上?您可以从任何平台进行基本的AJAX请求,只需在你选择的JavaScript框架( JQuery的,的原型,甚至 MooTools的你可以启动和运行现有的开发平台。

First question - Why do you want to do this on Linux? You can do basic AJAX requests from any platform, simply drop in your JavaScript framework of choice (JQuery, Prototype, or even MooTools and you can be up and running on your existing development platform.


Get familiar with a decent editor, one that will provide basic syntax coloring for you. One tool you may want to look at is the Aptana web development IDE that is based on Eclipse. This will give you the capability to write and debug any AJAX work you do as well as provide you some documentation and access to other dynamic languages like PHP, Rails, Python as well as a basic HTML editor.


That should square you away more than enough for what you're looking to do.


