json_en code给递归误差递归、误差、json_en、code

由网友(邻居家的帅学霸i)分享简介:Warning: json_encode(): recursion detected in [Directory] 这是什么错误,我似乎无法来解决这个问题。它的每产生500错误遇到什么大不了的日志。大小1.33个字节。它的垃圾邮件日志到存储器中最大的。What is this error, I can't seem...
Warning:  json_encode(): recursion detected in [Directory] 


What is this error, I can't seem to solve the issue. It's generating a BIG BIG log per error 500 faced. 133,000,000 bytes in size. It's spamming the log till memory max out.


if(isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] = "getmoredetails"){ 

function retrievemore($htmlcode){
$retrievetitle = retrievechTitle($htmlcode);
$retrievermb = retrievechRMB($htmlcode);
echo json_encode(array("error"=>0,"rmb"=>$retrievermb,"title"=>$retrievetitle));
function retrievechTitle($htmlcode){
$html = str_get_html($htmlcode);
$title = $html->find('div[class=tb-detail-hd]h3');
return $title[0];
function retrievechRMB($htmlcode){
$html = str_get_html($htmlcode);
$rmb = $html->find('[class=tb-rmb-num]');
return $rmb[0];



I'm trying to extract data from a HTML file, the other extraction works fine, except for the above, giving lots of issue. I even separated this set of code specifically to one PHP file for processing and same issue.

你知道吗?我使用jQuery阿贾克斯在家里页面 $多种功能。AJAX({ 我是新来的Ajax,这是正常的有多个阿贾克斯在一个页面吧?

Any idea? I use jQuery Ajax with multiple functions at home page with $.ajax({ I'm new to Ajax, it's alright to have multiple Ajax in one page right?


问题显然出在你试图调用 json_en code 的东西不适合它

The problem clearly lies in your attempting to call json_encode on something not suited for it:

echo json_encode(array("error"=>0,"rmb"=>$retrievermb,"title"=>$retrievetitle));

什么,我们可能会问,是 $ retrievetitle ?什么样的价值呢?好了,我们发现它的函数定义:

What, we may ask, is $retrievetitle? What kind of value is it? Well, we find it in the function definition:

$html = str_get_html($htmlcode);
$title = $html->find('div[class=tb-detail-hd]h3');
return $title[0];

所以很明显这是某种形式的对象。我不熟悉的 simple_html_dom 库,但是presumably这是属于该库并重新presents HTML元素的对象。也许这是一个原生 DOMElement 对象;我不知道。

So clearly it is some kind of object. I'm not familiar with the simple_html_dom library, but presumably it's an object that belongs to that library and represents an HTML element. Perhaps it is a native DOMElement object; I don't know.


What is clear, however, is that it is some kind of recursive structure. That is to say, in some sense it contains itself. This is perfectly possible in PHP, but it is impossible to represent in a JSON string. For instance, in PHP:

class Foo {
    public $self;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->self = $this;
$foo = new Foo;

$ foo-&GT;自是相同的对象 $ FOO 。事实上,你可以做 $ foo-&GT;自&GT;自&GT;自键,它会正常工作。这是一个非常简单的递归结构。你可能是一个有点复杂,但在原则上没有什么不同。这不可能是psented在JSON重新$ P $。 json_en code 当它遇到递归会报错。

$foo->self is the same object as $foo. Indeed, you could do $foo->self->self->self and it would work fine. This is a very simple recursive structure. Yours is probably a bit more complex, but not dissimilar in principle. This can't be represented in JSON. json_encode will error when it encounters recursion.

我想你可能想存储的称号,而不是标题元素本身的文本内容。简而言之阅读 API文档库,看来你想要的明文属性。我不太清楚这是如何工作(的API是,我们应当说,稀疏的),但我的猜测是以下内容:

I imagine you probably wanted to store the text content of the title, rather than the title element itself. Briefly reading the API documentation for the library, it seems you want the plaintext property. I'm not quite sure how this works (the APi is, shall we say, sparse) but my guess would be the following:

return $title[0]->plaintext;


But that is only an educated guess.


