
由网友(轻拂两袖风尘)分享简介:我是很新的使用jQuery和放大器的Web GUI开发; Ajax和我想要得到的NuGet包Grid.MVC.Ajax工作。自述文件规定如下:Hi I'm very new to Web GUI dev using JQuery & Ajax and I'm trying to get the nuget packa...

我是很新的使用jQuery和放大器的Web GUI开发; Ajax和我想要得到的NuGet包Grid.MVC.Ajax工作。自述文件规定如下:

Hi I'm very new to Web GUI dev using JQuery & Ajax and I'm trying to get the nuget package Grid.MVC.Ajax working. The readme states the following:

Follow thse steps to use Grid.Mvc.Ajax

1. Include ~/Scripts/gridmvc-ext.js after your ~/Scripts/grimvc.js include.

2. Include ~/Content/ladda-bootstrap/ladda-themeless.min.css CSS after your Bootstrap CSS/LESS include.

3. Include Ladda-bootstrap Javascript via the ~/Scripts/ladda-bootstrap/ladda.min.js
 and ~/Scripts/ladda-bootstrap/spin.min.js.

4. Create a view model for you grid data, for example:
public Person
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

5. Add a Razor partial view for your grid data that uses an AjaxGrid<T> as the model type, 
Where T is your view model type:

@using GridMvc.Html
@using GridMvc.Sorting
@model Grid.Mvc.Ajax.GridExtensions.AjaxGrid<Models.Person>

@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
      columns.Add(c => c.FirstName);
      columns.Add(c => c.LastName);

6. Add a controller action to retrieve the data for the first page of data that includes the Ajax pager HTML:

 public JsonResult Persons()
            var vm = new List<Person>()
                new Person() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }
            var ajaxGridFactory = new Grid.Mvc.Ajax.GridExtensions.AjaxGridFactory();
            var grid = ajaxGridFactory.CreateAjaxGrid(vm, 1, false);

7. Add a controller action to retrieve data for paged items that returns a JsonResult without the Ajax page HTML:

 public JsonResult PersonsPaged(int page)
            var vm = new List<Person>()
                new Person() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }
            var ajaxGridFactory = new Grid.Mvc.Ajax.GridExtensions.AjaxGridFactory();
            var grid = ajaxGridFactory.CreateAjaxGrid(vm, page, true);

8. Call the ajaxify Grid.Mvc.Ajax JavaScript plug-in method setting the non-paged and paged controller actions and optionally a form
to apply additional filtering to the grid. All input and select elements in the given form will be passed into your paged and non-paged controller actions:

                getPagedData: '/Home/Persons',
                getData : '/Home/PersonsPaged',
                gridFilterForm: $("#gridFilters")

我已经设置好了的说,但我有在第8步问题,我不知道如何调用JavaScript code,以填充网格。我附上上面的$(文件)。就绪呼叫,但似乎并没有工作:-(任何帮助将是非常美联社preciated。谢谢

I have set things up as stated but I'm having problems in step 8. as I'm not sure how to call the JavaScript code in order to populate the grid. I have enclosed the above in a $(document).ready call but that doesn't seem to work :-( Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


您有两种选择: loadPage refreshFullPage


this will call your PersonsPaged method:



and this will call your Persons method.



also, in your Persons and PersonsPaged you can return a JSON like this:

public ActionResult Persons()
    var vm = new List<Person>()
        new Person() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }

    var ajaxGridFactory = new AjaxGridFactory();
    var grid = ajaxGridFactory.CreateAjaxGrid(vm, 1, false);

    return Json(new { Html = grid.ToJson("_YourPartialWithGridCode", this), grid.HasItems },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

