使用ASP.NET GenericHandlers当ASP.NET管理会话超时ASP、NET、GenericHandlers

由网友(不离不弃只是一个成语)分享简介:例如我使用jQuery作为在客户端框架的Web应用程序。现在大部分的网页是功能通过使用AJAX,并通过使用通用处理程序(.ashx的)的装置传送到所述服务器的装置。For example I have a web application using jQuery as a framework on the clien...


For example I have a web application using jQuery as a framework on the client side. Now most of the pages are functional by means of using AJAX and communicate to the server by means of using Generic Handlers (.ashx).


Now I have a problem that I am asking this to see what is the best solution for handling these request when my user session expires.


For example, a user logged in, left his browser for 15 minutes and then he pressed a button that this will create a request to the handler, now from the server side when I try to read a session variable obviously it will be empty (session expired). What is the best way to redirect the user back to the login page.


我们针对这种情况通过一个稍微不同的方法。而不是试图让所有的jQuery的调用处理这种错误情况,我们已经实现了使用JavaScript客户端上的并行超时系统。 ASP.NET会话前一分钟将超时,我们就弹出一个对话框上的浏览器向用户发出警告:你已经没有什么活动,并即将被注销。点击这里继续登录。我们包括一个小倒计时对话框也研究。如果他们点击保持登录状态,我们发送另一个jQuery的调用服务器复位会话超时。

We address this situation by a slightly different approach. Instead of trying to make all the jQuery calls deal with this kind of error condition, we have implemented a parallel timeout system on the client using javascript. A minute before the ASP.NET Session would time out, we pop up a dialog on the browser to warn the user "You have been inactive and are about to be logged out. Click here to remain logged in." We included a little countdown in the dialog also. If they click to stay logged in, we send another jQuery call to the server to reset the session timeout.


So, unless the user has javascript disabled (in which case, the app doesn't work anyway), there is not a possibility that we make a jQuery call after the ASP.NET session has timed out.


