
由网友(清清澈澈≈)分享简介:我已经为我的网站是一个在线留言板做了一个基本的Joomla模块。但我喜欢把AJAX它(我知道类似的模块,AJAX已经存在于JED但是这更多的是项目对我来说,学习AJAX是如何工作的一个Joomla模块)。I've made a basic Joomla module for my site as a shoutbox...


I've made a basic Joomla module for my site as a shoutbox. But I'd like to put AJAX in it (I know a similar module with AJAX already exists on JED but this more a project for me to learn how AJAX works in a Joomla module).


The usual AJAX stuff where you redirect to a new php file obviously doesn't work as the file will not be defined as

   defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

将在一个新的页面失败。并确定_JEXEC等于一(因为我读过的几个职位的SO)据我读过有关的Joomla Docs是一个安全隐患,因为它提供了一个入口点到网站。

will fail in a new page. And defining _JEXEC to be equal to one (as I've read in several posts on SO) as far as I've read on Joomla Docs is a security risk as it provides an entry point onto the site.

我见过href="http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/communication/shoutbox/43" rel="nofollow">其他在线留言板模块的


