ASP.NET MVC可以JSON对象传递到与动态类型参数参数的控制器?参数、控制器、对象、类型

由网友(开着拖拉机唱情歌)分享简介:我有code。在我的javascript,一个AJAX发布数据:I have code in my javascript, a ajax to post data: $.ajax({url: '/Configurations/GetSelectedPageTranslation',type: 'POST',data...


I have code in my javascript, a ajax to post data:

                url: '/Configurations/GetSelectedPageTranslation',
                type: 'POST',
                data: { inttype: $("#some").val(), objectType:{prop1: 'adsfa', prop2: 'asdf'}},
                success: function (result) {

                error: function () {


In the contoller i have a method with signature:

public JsonResult GetSelectedPageTranslation(int inttype, dynamic objectType)


I can have the inttype correctly. However the objectType will not be null but if i do like objectType.prop1, it will throw error. If i will JSON.stringify the object type in the javascript, the objectType in the controller will have a string value.


Could this be possible to directly access the JSON data in the controller using the dynamic data type like this: objectType.prop1 ?



没有开箱即支持在MVC3 动态操作参数。

There is no out of the box support for dynamic action arguments in MVC3.

不过MVC是非常可扩展的,因此您可以添加此功能。你需要做的是创建一个自定义 IModelBinder 在这里你可以做的JSON反序列化,并建立一个动态的对象。

However MVC is very extensible so you can add this functionality. What you need to do is to create a custom IModelBinder where you can do the JSON deserialization and build up a dynamic object.

幸运的是,这篇文章:制作MVC 3多一点...动态是处理完全相同的问题,所以你也可以找到样本code和其他链接也应该帮助你开始。

Luckily this article: Making MVC 3 a little more… dynamic is dealing with the exact same problem, so you can find also sample code and additional links there which should help you get started.


