
由网友(犯二的骚年不忧伤っ)分享简介:我有同学和每行表中的他们的名字,一个选择列表来选择他们的出席对他们的教训,然后单击时信息链接会弹出对话框机管局将消息发送给学生。 I have a table of students and in each row are their names, a select list to select their atte...


I have a table of students and in each row are their names, a select list to select their attendance for their lesson and then a "Message" link when clicked will popup a a dialog to send a message to the student.


The table is dynamically driven by a select list of courses. For example, a teacher selects a course and then the table is repopulated with all the students within that course. This is done through AJAX. The table body is basically getting written every time a course is selected. My problem is this, when a new course is selected, the div for the dialog becomes visible inside the cell of the Message link. I suspect the problem is to do with AJAX and not being able to rebind the link and click event. How do I therefore overcome this?


This is my table generated in PHP (http://pastebin.com/CTD3WfL6):

public function createTable($cid)

    $userModel = new Users();
    $attendanceModel = new Attendance();
    $students = $userModel->getStudents($cid);

    $table2 = '<table id="tutorTable">';
    $tableHeaders = 
        <th>Student Name</th>
        <th>Parent Name</th>
    $table2 .= $tableHeaders;
    foreach($students as $student)
        $table2 .= 
        '<tr><td id="studentName">'.$student['firstname'].' '.$student['lastname'].'</td>
                <select class="attendSelect" id="studentSelect"'.$student['id'].'>
                    <option value="Attended">Attended</option>
                    <option value="Absent">Did not Attend</option>
                    <option value="Excused Absent">Excused</option>
                    <option value="Late">Excused</option>
                    <option value="Excused Late">Did not Attend</option>
                <a href="#MessageStudent" class="popUpLink">Message</a>
                <div class="popUpDialog"  id="'.$student['id'].'" title="Message '.$student['firstname'].' '.$student['lastname'].'">                                       
                    <form id="studentForm" action="" method="POST">     
                            <input type="hidden" value="message_send" name="action"/>
                            <input type="hidden" value="'.$student['id'].'" name="studentId"/>
                            <textarea rows="3" cols=35" name="message"></textarea>
                            <input type="submit" value="Send Message"/>
            <td>Parent name goes here</td>
                <a href="mailto:ParentsEmail@email.com" id="parentEmail">Message</a>            

    $table2 .= '</tbody></table>';

    return $table2;     


This is the jQuery to handle the dialog and the table:

/** Dialog Handler **/

    $divDialog = $(this).next('.popUpDialog');
    $.data(this, 'dialog', $divDialog.dialog(
        autoOpen: false,
        modal: true,
        title: $divDialog.attr('title')

    $.data(this, 'dialog').dialog('open'); 
    return false; 
/**AJAX to handle table **/
$('#courseSelect').on('change', function()
    var cid = $('#courseSelect').val();

    $.getJSON('?ajax=true&cid=' + cid, function(data)
        var lessonSelect = "";
        var count = 1;
        /** populate select list of lessons **/
        for(var i in data.lessons)
            lessonSelect += '<option id="' + count + '" value="' + data.lessons[i].id+ '">' + data.lessons[i].name + '</option>'        

        var lessonDialog = '<p>' + data.lessons[0].name + '</p>';
        var launchLessonDiv = '<a href=" ' + data.launchLesson.reference + ' ">Launch Lesson</a>';
        var courseDialog = '<p>' + data.course.fullname + '</p>';

        $('#lessonDialog').html(lessonDialog);//insert lesson information into lesson dialog
        $('#launchLessonDiv').html(launchLessonDiv);//insert link to launch lesson

        /**Repopulate table **/
        //var lessonCount = 1;
        //var table = createTutorTable(data, cid, lessonCount); 

});//Course select


Everything works fine until a new course is selected and the textarea becomes visible inside the cell. I've only just started jQuery last month so bear with me!



As I understands, each row has its own markup for dialogs and the code that creates those dialogs is executed only once, during page load:

/** Dialog Handler **/
{ ... }


But this code should be called on startup AND every time you repopulate your table, because markup for dialogs is located inside row cells. I suggest you to put this code in a function:

var initDialogs = function() {
    }).on('click', function(){


Call it right after page load, and each time you repopulate table:

$('#courseSelect').on('change', function()
    var cid = $('#courseSelect').val();

    $.getJSON('?ajax=true&cid=' + cid, function(data)
        // .. lots of code here
        // then you populate your table
        // (can't find #formTableForm in your example though)
        // now your table filled, old dialogs gone.
        // init dialogs again.


另外,我注意到你如何创建foreach循环在你的表行。每一行都会有相同的ID,像这样的&LT; TD ID =studentName&GT; 。有重复的页面上的许多ID的也不行,它可以导致问题难以调试。

Also, I noticed how you create your table rows inside foreach loop. Every row will have the same id's, like this one <td id="studentName">. Having many id's repeated on the page is not OK, it can leads to problems that hard to debug.



Just noticed, it is almost the same approach that @Lazerblade proposed.


