如何中止长时间运行的Ajax请求的.NET MVC 4?长时间、Ajax、MVC、NET

由网友(怪我太帅惹人爱)分享简介:我已经发现了几个答案,包括this 之一,也是这一个。但由于某些原因 this.Response.IsClientConnected 却还在继续为真。I've found several answers including this one and also this one. But for some reason...

我已经发现了几个答案,包括this 之一,也是这一个。但由于某些原因 this.Response.IsClientConnected 却还在继续为

I've found several answers including this one and also this one. But for some reason this.Response.IsClientConnected still goes as true.


<div class="ajax-loader-gif-close" id="cancelBusy">Close</div>

@using (Html.BeginForm("List", "Visit", FormMethod.Post, new { @id = "formFilter" }))
       //Some models some TextBoxFor  etc.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    var ajaxCallObject = null;

    $(document).ready(function () {
         $('form').submit(function () {
                ajaxCallObject = $.ajax({
                    url: this.action,
                    type: this.method,
                    data: $(this).serialize(),
                    beforeSend: function () {
                    complete: function () {
                    success: function (result) {
                        //Some stuff

                return false;
        $("#cancelBusy").click(function () {


public PartialViewResult List(VisitFilterViewModel model)
      //IsClientConnected is ALWAYS TRUE even though I abort from client
      while (this.Response.IsClientConnected)

      return PartialView("PartialVisitFilterList", model);

使用萤火我看到这一行动被中止,但 IsClientConnected 还是。我究竟做错了什么?

With FireBug I see that the action is Aborted, but IsClientConnected is still true. What am I doing wrong?

请注意:如果你考虑删除 [HttpPost] 属性来解决这个问题,我已经尝试过,没有工作

Note: If you consider removing [HttpPost] attribute to solve this, I've already tried and didn't work.


感谢这个帖子我终于解决了! 其实,我所做的是完全工作,但因为我是在我的本地计算机VS开发运行此,响应从来没有结束。但是,当我把它的IIS服务器上,一切工作就好了。

Thanks to this post I finally solved it! Actually, what I did was completely working but since I was running this in my local computer with VS Development, the Response was never ended. But, when I put it on IIS Server, everything worked out just fine.


In case site or the post is deleted, I'm posting the answer here:

取消按钮是否工作正常时,应用程序托管在   IIS。如果您正在测试的VS开发服务器上   Response.IsClientConnected永远是正确的。请记住,在   该RadProgressArea的previous版本取消不   Chrome浏览器下工作。对于Q2.2014这将得到解决。你可以   测试我们的内部版本这一点。

The Cancel button is working fine when the application is hosted on IIS. If you are testing on the VS development server the Response.IsClientConnected will always be true. Keep in mind that in the previous versions of the RadProgressArea the cancellation is not working under Chrome. For Q2.2014 this will be resolved. You could test our internal build for this.


