链接到远程以< I>标签发送Ajax的直接要求,而不是而不是、直接、标签、链接

由网友(年少、的轻狂*)分享简介:我有一个奇怪的问题。我使用Twitter的引导BTN,BTN-主要与自定义图标类就像他们gliphicon。I have a strange problem .I am using twitter bootstrap btn, btn-primary along with custom defined icon...

我有一个奇怪的问题。 我使用Twitter的引导BTN,BTN-主要与自定义图标类就像他们gliphicon。

I have a strange problem . I am using twitter bootstrap btn, btn-primary along with custom defined icon class just like their gliphicon.


<a href="send/path" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="Sending..." data-remote="true" style="float:none;"><i class="icon-send margin-right-5"></i>Send</a>  

当我点击正是在文本(即发送)的按钮,它发送Ajax请求。 但是,当我点击按钮的图标就可以直接发送请求。 如果通过AJAX加载相同的按钮。这两个工作正常。

When i click exactly on the text (ie Send) in the button it sends ajax request. But when i click on the icon in the button it sends direct request. If the same button is loaded via ajax . both works fine.


I dont know why the browser sending a direct request overriding the data-remote function which the jquery rails javascript defines.


我最后写一个动作助手以及一个JavaScript functon使用jquery.ajax发送Ajax请求

i ended up writing a action helper along with a javascript functon to send an ajax request using jquery.ajax

 def ajax_button_tag(url, text, button_html={}, icon_html={})
        icon_html[:class] = "margin-right-5" unless icon_html[:class] 
        icon_html[:class] = icon_html[:class] + " margin-right-5" unless (icon_html[:class] && icon_html[:class].match("margin-right-5"))
        icon_html_tag = raw("<i #{icon_html.map{|k,v| "#{k}="#{v}""}.join()} ></i>")
        raw("<button #{button_html.map{|k,v| "#{k}="#{v}""}.join()} onclick="sendAjaxRequest('#{url}');">#{icon_html_tag}#{text}</button>")

function sendAjaxRequest(path, mname){
    method_type = mname || "GET";
        type: method_type,
        dataType: "script",
        url: path

<%= ajax_button_tag('/path/to/resource', {:class=>"btn btn-primary", :remote=>true, 'data-loading-text'=>'updating...'}, {:class=>'icon-save icon-white'})%>

