
由网友(深情迎风散)分享简介:我试图创建将处理所有我AJAX的调用,而不是做几个不同的AJAX的处理程序有一个做这项工作的所有的JavaScript对象。I am trying to create a JavaScript object that will deal with all of my ajax calls instead of mak...


I am trying to create a JavaScript object that will deal with all of my ajax calls instead of making several different ajax handlers have one that does the job for all.


So here's what I have so far


My PHP files that are going to be called within my AJAX Handler are placed in a directory called ajax, the directories within that are named to relate to the pages e.g. the jobs page has its own directory and so on. within these directories I have placed the page relevant PHP files.

所以现在我的AJAX Handler对象code:

so now to my ajax Handler object code:

function ajaxHandler(pageName,functionCall){
this.pageName       = pageName;
this.functionCall   = functionCall;

// set functions
this.getPage = getPage;
this.setPage = setPage;
this.getFunctionCall = getFunctionCall;
this.setFunctionCall = setFunctionCall;
this.performAjaxCall = performAjaxCall;
// accessor for current page
function getPage(){
    return this.pageName;

// accessor for setting the current page
function setPage(page){
    this.pageName = page;

// accessor for retrieving the current functionCall
function getFunctionCall(){
    return this.functionCall;

// accessor for setting the current function call
function setFunctionCall(func){
    this.functionCall = func;

// perform the loaded ajax call
// DATA : must be in the form of JSON
function performAjaxCall(data){
       type     : 'POST',
       url      : '/ajax/'+ this.pageName + '/' + this.functionCall + '.php',
       dataType : 'json',
       data     : data,
       success  : function(data){
          return data;
       error    : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
          return {"error":true,"msg":thrownError};


so with this file called and working fine, apart from when performAjaxCall is called the ajax works perfectly but the data being returned is being seen as undefined I will show you an example

function getActiveJobs(initPage){
   var ajh = new ajaxHandler('jobs','getActiveJobs');
   var req = {'page' : 1};
   var data = ajh.performAjaxCall(req);


The alert returns undefined, I suspect it is because the JavaScript is not waiting for the data to be returned and as such data is not yet defined, but I am unsure I thought I would ask here before leading myself down a blind alley.


您是对的,JavaScript是不是在等待。 performAjaxCall 请求的响应之前返回被接收。但是,即使是在等待,你不能从一个回调像这样的返回值:

You are right, JavaScript is not waiting. performAjaxCall returns before the response of request is received. But even it were waiting, you cannot return a value from a callback like this:

success  : function(data){
      return data;

正在通过这个功能来 $。阿贾克斯,所以它返回东北值仅在 $。阿贾克斯功能。它不会对外部 performAjaxCall 功能产生任何影响。

You are passing this function to $.ajax, so it returns ne value only inside the $.ajax function. It does not have any effect on the outer performAjaxCall function.


You have to pass another function which will process the data, something like:

function performAjaxCall(data, cb){
       success: cb,
       error: cb

function getActiveJobs(initPage){
   var ajh = new ajaxHandler('jobs','getActiveJobs');
   var req = {'page' : 1};
   ajh.performAjaxCall(req, function(data) {

