如何将值更改为在使用函数的范围的全局变量? (QUOT;控制器")如何将、控制器、函数、范围

由网友(我们私奔吧)分享简介:我需要改变的 this.usernamevalid 通过调用函数的变量范围内的 checkusername ,这个功能是从这样的观点引发的值:I need to change the value of the this.usernamevalid variable in the scope via a functio...

我需要改变的 this.usernamevalid 通过调用函数的变量范围内的 checkusername ,这个功能是从这样的观点引发的值:

I need to change the value of the this.usernamevalid variable in the scope via a function called checkusername, this function is triggered from the view like this:


register.jade: (ng-controller="controller as txt")

input(type="text", ng-model="formData.username",ng-blur="txt.checkusername('username',formData.username);" )

和功能的 checkusername 是:


 ngApp.controller('controller', Main );

    function Main(){
         //I need to set this variable to true;
         this.usernamevalid = false;

         //In the View, I trigger this function
        this.checkusername = function(param, val) {

            if (val != undefined) {
                    var size = response.data.length;
                    switch (param) {
                        case 'username':
                            if (size>0) {
                                //The user exist (DOES NOT WORK)
                                this.usernamevalid = true;
                            } else {
                                //The user don't exist (DOES NOT WORK)
                                this.usernamevalid = false;
                                console.log('Field undefined, STOP');
                }, function(response){
                    alert(response + "(error)");



我尝试使用一个回调函数,但结果是一样的,我不能修改的结果 this.usernamevalid ,因为这不是定义。


基本上这个中的 $ http.get 函数。然后是不一样的这个控制器上下文的。

Basically the this inside the $http.get function .then is not the same this of your controller context.


So you should create a variable in your controller function like below.

var vm = this;

这将使你的使用控制器随处可见这种背景 VM 变量。只需更换这个 VM 无论你使用这个

Which will make your this context available everywhere in controller using vm variable. Just replace this with vm wherever you have used this


ngApp.controller('controller', Main);
   function Main() {
     var vm = this; //created local variable which will have this reference.
     //I need to set this variable to true;
     vm.usernamevalid = false;
     //In the View, I trigger this function
     vm.checkusername = function(param, val) {
       if (val != undefined) {
         $http.get('http://localhost:3000/users?param=' + param + '&val=' + val)
           .then(function(response) {
           var size = response.data.length;
           switch (param) {
             case 'username':
               if (size > 0) {
                 //The user exist (DOES NOT WORK)
                 vm.usernamevalid = true;
               } else {
                 //The user don't exist (DOES NOT WORK)
                 vm.usernamevalid = false;
               console.log('Field undefined, STOP');
         }, function(response) {
           alert(response + "(error)");

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