
由网友(化爱彼此间′)分享简介:我试图让我的支持Ajax表分页508兼容(可使用JAWS版本9)。我有这一个回调的onclick执行一个jQuery Ajax请求更新表的链接的表头单元格。我已经使用间隔图像链接体内有替代文字传达某种信息,JAWS用户成功(注意:默认情况下不读提示通过JAWS),但没有看到短视用户。但是,当JAWS用户导航到链接(使用...

我试图让我的支持Ajax表分页508兼容(可使用JAWS版本9)。我有这一个回调的onclick执行一个jQuery Ajax请求更新表的链接的表头单元格。我已经使用间隔图像链接体内有替代文字传达某种信息,JAWS用户成功(注意:默认情况下不读提示通过JAWS),但没有看到短视用户。但是,当JAWS用户导航到链接(使用向上和向下箭头键)和presses空间初始的链接onclick事件,我有两个问题:

没有信息被传达给JAWS用户表示表内容已被更新, 当内容被更新时,该链接的JAWS用户刚执行被重新读取,但它重新读取前表被更新alt文本,用户必须前进到下一个域,然后返回到链接JAWS的阅读更新替代文字。


 百分位标题=排序列,切换排序从升序到降序控制器=xxxManagementID =xxxName范围=山口级=排序排序递增 >
    < A HREF =/程序/ xxxManagement / listXXX最大= 20安培;排序=名称与秩序=递减?的onclick =toggleLoadingAnimation(); jQuery.ajax({类型:POST,数据:{控制器: xxxManagement,最大:20,排序:名字,秩序:说明}, url:'/app/xxxManagement/listXXX',success:function(data,textStatus){jQuery('#xxxList').html(data);},error:function(XMLHtt$p$pquest,textStatus,errorThrown){},complete:function(XMLHtt$p$pquest,textStatus){toggleLoadingAnimation()}});return假;称号=排序列,切换排序从升序到降序>
        < IMG SRC =/应用程序/图片/ pixel.gifALT =排序列,切换排序从升序到降序/>
    &所述; / a取代;
< /第i个


不幸的是,我认为简单的答案是,你的运气了。我经常有问题,大白鲨告诉我,当内容被更新,有时需要一个屏幕刷新更新大白鲨的虚拟缓存。大白鲨9也是一个有些过时的版本,但你可能要对付它,如果你正在写的内部应用程序的已标准化的版本一个部门。我建议两件事。选项​​之一是下载下巴已被释放在上个月12版。是否能解决你的问题,也许你可以自圆其说的升级?方案二是寻找到 WAI-ARIA 这应该让你标记你的表作为活区,具有自动更新公布。我没有任何这方面的经验,但它可能工作。我不知道大白鲨9如何支持WAI-ARIA但爪10用来做一个相当不错的工作。看到此博客条目​​为对WAI-ARIA的屏幕阅读器支持的比较。你总是可以做到的上市测试,大白鲨9得到一个什么样WAI-ARIA的支持是一样的想法。

ajax json实现分页,基于Json的Ajax无刷新分页效果实现 一

I am trying to make my Ajax-enabled table pagination 508-compliant (accessible using JAWS version 9). I have a table header cell with a link which executes a jQuery ajax request onclick with a callback to update the table. I've had success using a "spacer" image inside the link body with alt text conveying sort information to JAWS users (note: tooltips are not read by default by JAWS) but which is not seen by sighted users. However, when a JAWS user navigates to the link (using the up and down arrow keys) and presses SPACE to initial the link onclick event, I have two problems:

no information is conveyed to the JAWS user indicating that the table content has been updated, when the content is updated, the link the JAWS user just executed gets re-read, but it re-reads the alt text from before the table was updated, the user has to advance to the next field and then return back to the link for JAWS to read the updated alt text.

Tips from anyone with experience implementing accessible Ajax pagination would be much appreciated! My table header cell code follows:

<th title="Sorted column, toggle sort from Ascending to Descending" controller="xxxManagement" id="xxxName" scope="col" class="sortable sorted asc" >
    <a href="/app/xxxManagement/listXXX?max=20&sort=name&order=desc" onclick="toggleLoadingAnimation();jQuery.ajax({type:'POST',data:{'controller': 'xxxManagement','max': '20','sort': 'name','order': 'desc'}, url:'/app/xxxManagement/listXXX',success:function(data,textStatus){jQuery('#xxxList').html(data);},error:function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus,errorThrown){},complete:function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus){toggleLoadingAnimation()}});return false;" title="Sorted column, toggle sort from Ascending to Descending">
        <img src='/app/images/pixel.gif' alt='Sorted column, toggle sort from Ascending to Descending' />


Unfortunately I think the short answer is you’re out of luck. I frequently have issues with Jaws telling me when content is updated, and sometimes it takes a screen refresh to update the virtual buffer of Jaws. Jaws 9 is also a somewhat out of date version but you may have to deal with it if you’re writing internal apps for a department that has standardized on that version. I would suggest two things. Option one is to download jaws version 12 which has been released in the last month. If that fixes your problem maybe you could justify an upgrade? Option two is to look into WAI-ARIA This should let you mark your tables as live regions and have updates automatically announced. I don't have any experience with this but it may work. I don't know how well Jaws 9 supports WAI-ARIA but jaws 10 appears to do a fairly good job. see this blog entry for a comparison of screen reader support for WAI-ARIA. You could always do the listed tests with Jaws 9 to get an idea of what WAI-ARIA support is like.


