
由网友(由于太個性已被屏蔽)分享简介:添加AJAX控件工具包我按照指示在线。他们出现在AJAX工具包选项卡工具箱中就好了。试着将它们添加到设计视图并不起作用。尝试选择文本框,然后点击智能标记添加扩展,但没有智能标签。Added AJAX controls to my toolkit as per directions online.They ap...

添加AJAX控件工具包我按照指示在线。 他们出现在AJAX工具包选项卡工具箱中就好了。 试着将它们添加到设计视图并不起作用。 尝试选择文本框,然后点击智能标记添加扩展,但没有智能标签。

Added AJAX controls to my toolkit as per directions online. They appear in the AJAX Toolkit tab in the toolbox just fine. Try to add them to design view and does not work. Tried selecting the textbox and clicking the smart tag to add the extender but there is not smart tag.

用Google搜索,发现建议重置工具箱,然后重新添加AJAX控件。 这样做,和问题依然存在。

Googled and found suggestion to reset toolbox and re-add AJAX controls. Did that and problem remains.

任何帮助是AP preciated!

Any help is appreciated!!!



I've had the same exact issue recently.

这是为我工作正在下载另一个版本的工具包的唯一解决方案。看来,一些版本的工作比其他人根据安装的Visual Studio更好,但总体来说,我却高兴不起来的工具包。即使扩展选项开始出现,一些工具将正常工作和其他人只是不会在我的页面上显示出来,即使他们在设计中添加。

The only solution that worked for me was downloading another version of the toolkit. It seems that some versions work better than others depending on your installation of visual studio, but overall I was not happy with the toolkit. Even though the extender option started to show up, some tools would work fine and others just wouldn't show up on my page even though they were adding in the designer.


Also make sure you add the script manager before adding any extenders.


In the end I ended up using dojo (http://www.dojotoolkit.org/) instead which gave me more flexibility even though it requires more hand coding.



