
由网友(专抢小孩棒棒糖)分享简介:我遇到使用ASP.NET AJAX和jQuery的组合,在IE和Firefox缓慢的内存泄漏。我的情况下是非常相似的这里所描述的:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276087/$p$pventing-ajax-memory-leaks除了使用jQuery和asp.net AJAX,...

我遇到使用ASP.NET AJAX和jQuery的组合,在IE和Firefox缓慢的内存泄漏。我的情况下是非常相似的这里所描述的:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276087/$p$pventing-ajax-memory-leaks除了使用jQuery和asp.net AJAX,不是protyotype:我有一个使用一个定时器刷新每60秒一个UpdatePanel显示数据的网页。在被要求每一个局部回传的AJAX页面加载的JavaScript功能,我重新绑定事件,因为他们失去了在asp.net局部回传:

I am experiencing a slow memory leak in both IE and Firefox using a combination of ASP.NET AJAX and jQuery. My scenario is very similar to the one described here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276087/preventing-ajax-memory-leaks except using jquery and asp.net AJAX, not protyotype: I have a webpage displaying data in an UpdatePanel that is refreshed every 60 seconds using a timer. in the AJAX javascript pageLoad function that is called on every "partial postback", I re-bind events because they are lost in the asp.net partial postback:

function pageLoad(sender, args) {
        function() {
            // do something
        function() {
            // do something


so this is called every 60 seconds. Could this alone be the cause of a memory leak?



$(function() { //.ready shortcut...
    function() {
        // do something
    function() {
        // do something

请注意,此需要的jQuery 1.4.1 ,但行为在内存方面完全不同。它安装在整个DOM观看的事件的泡沫,而不是附加一个新的事件,每个对象需要的资料每60秒插入。

Note, this requires jQuery 1.4.1, but acts entirely different in terms of memory. It attaches to the entire DOM watching for the event to bubble instead of attaching a new event to every object your're inserting every 60 seconds.


