
由网友(男娼起义丶)分享简介:下面是我的code,$.ajax({type: "POST",url: action,data: params,success: function() {alert("Success");},error: function() {alert("error occurred");} });我在一个模式对话框形式,在提...


    type: "POST",
    url: action,
    data: params,
    success: function() {
    error: function() {
        alert("error occurred");
    }  });


I have a form inside a modal dialog window, on submission i would like to stay inside the dialog rather than return to original window. I have solved this issue elsewhere by surrounding the contents of the dialog with a div, and then calling #div.load("some page") in the success portion.


However, for some reason on this page the success portion does not get executed at all, although the form submits correctly, the dialog closes and the request is resubmitted to the action url of the form. I have tried to make the request asynchronous but that did not help.

我不明白为什么同样的code的另一个特点是工作没有在这里工作。 请让我知道,如果你有任何想法。

I cannot understand why the same code that works on another feature is not working here. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

谢谢, 娜塔莎



Purely a guess, because there's not code enough to tell, but I would say that your ajax function is being triggered by an event that would ordinarily cause the form to post back to the server. Try returning false in the handler that generates the ajax request to stop the default event handling action.

$('input[type=submit]').click( function() {
     $.ajax( ... );
     return false;


If this is the case, then the ajax call is being made, but before the success handler can be invoked, the page unloads as a result of the post back.


