
由网友(丶神经质先生\")分享简介:我要建一个符号表的一个项目我工作。我想知道什么人民的意见是对的各种方法的优点和缺点,可用于存储+创建符号表。I'm building a symbol table for a project I'm working on. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on th...


I'm building a symbol table for a project I'm working on. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods available for storing + creating a symbol table.


I've done a fair bit of searching and the most commonly recommended are binary trees or linked lists or hash tables. I was wondering what are the advantages and or disadvantages of all of the above (I can't find anything on this).

谢谢, 本

更新:我在C ++的工作。

Update: am working in c++



Your use case is presumably going to be "insert the data once (e.g., application startup) and then perform lots of reads but few if any extra insertions".


Therefore you need to use an algorithm that is fast for looking up the information that you need.

我思故哈希表是最合适的算法来使用,因为它只是生成密钥对象的哈希并用它来访问目标数据 - 它是O(1)。其他是O(N)(大小为N链表 - 您必须通过列表的一个迭代的时间,平均为N / 2次)和O(日志N)(二叉树 - 你一半的搜索空间每次迭代 - 只有当树是平衡的,所以这取决于具体的实现,一个不平衡的树可以有显著表现更差)

I'd therefore think the HashTable was the most suitable algorithm to use, as it is simply generating a hash of your key object and using that to access the target data - it is O(1). The others are O(N) (Linked Lists of size N - you have to iterate through the list one at a time, an average of N/2 times) and O(log N) (Binary Tree - you halve the search space with each iteration - only if the tree is balanced, so this depends on your implementation, an unbalanced tree can have significantly worse performance).


Just make sure that there are enough spaces (buckets) in the HashTable for your data (R.e., Soraz's comment on this post). Most framework implementations (Java, .NET, etc) will be of a quality that you won't need to worry about the implementations.


Did you do a course on data structures and algorithms at university?


