
由网友(戴着小红帽的大灰狼)分享简介:有关好玩,并学习函数式编程,我发展Clojure中,做使用的想法,从这个理论的音乐被称为Westergaardian论算法组成的程序。它产生的音乐(其中一条线是一个单独的工作人员组成的音符,每一个球场和持续时间序列)的线路。它基本上是这样的:For "fun", and to learn functional pro...


For "fun", and to learn functional programming, I'm developing a program in Clojure that does algorithmic composition using ideas from this theory of music called "Westergaardian Theory". It generates lines of music (where a line is just a single staff consisting of a sequence of notes, each with pitches and durations). It basically works like this:

在开始用它由三个音符(如何将这些被选择的细节并不重要)一行。 随机执行这条线上的几个业务之一。操作随机选取来自所有对相邻指出,符合一定条件(对于每一对,标准只依赖于对,是独立于该线路的其他票据)的。它插入1个或数所选择的一对之间的笔记(取决于操作)。每个操作都有自己独特的标准。 继续随机就行执行这些操作,直到该行的期望的长度。


The issue I've run into is that my implementation of this is quite slow, and I suspect it could be made faster. I'm new to Clojure and functional programming in general (though I'm experienced with OO), so I'm hoping someone with more experience can point out if I'm not thinking in a functional paradigm or missing out on some FP technique.

我目前的执行情况是,每一行是一个包含地图的载体。每个地图有:说明和:DUR。 :注释的值是一个关键字再presenting一个音符,如:A4或:C#3。 :DUR的值是一个分数,再presenting音符的持续时间(1为全音符,1/4四分音符,等...)。因此,例如,一条线再presenting启动C3上的C大调音阶是这样的:

My current implementation is that each line is a vector containing maps. Each map has a :note and a :dur. :note's value is a keyword representing a musical note like :A4 or :C#3. :dur's value is a fraction, representing the duration of the note (1 is a whole note, 1/4 is a quarter note, etc...). So, for example, a line representing the C major scale starting on C3 would look like this:

{:note :C3 :dur 1}
{:note :D3 :dur 1}
{:note :E3 :dur 1}
{:note :F3 :dur 1}
{:note :G3 :dur 1}
{:note :A4 :dur 1}
{:note :B4 :dur 1}


This is a problematic representation because there's not really a quick way to insert into an arbitrary index of a vector. But insertion is the most frequently performed operation on these lines. My current terrible function for inserting notes into a line basically splits the vector using subvec at the point of insertion, uses conj to join the first part + notes + last part, then uses flatten and vec to make them all be in a one-dimensional vector. For example if I want to insert C3 and D3 into the the C major scale at index 3 (where the F3 is), it would do this (I'll use the note name in place of the :note and :dur maps):

(连词[C3 D3 E3] [C3 D3] [F3 G3 A4 B4]),它创建[C3 D3 E3 [C3 D3] [F3 G3 A4 B4]] (VEC(压扁previous矢量)),这给[C3 D3 E3 C3 D3 F3 G3 A4 B4]


The run time of that is O(n), AFAIK.


I'm looking for a way to make this insertion faster. I've searched for information on Clojure data structures that have fast insertion but haven't found anything that would work. I found "finger trees" but they only allow fast insertion at the start or end of the list.

编辑:我分成两个问题。 另一部分是在这里。

I split this into two questions. The other part is here.



One thing you have missed is that, in theory anyway, finger trees do give fast insertion at any index. They only directly allow you to insert at either end, but they also provide fast splitting and fast concatenation, so a fast insert-anywhere function can be framed as "split into two sequences, append to one of them, and then concat them together again".


I say "theoretically" because finger trees rely on constant-time memory access, but they generate many more cache misses than a simpler vector, and often don't perform as well as you'd expect. Finger trees are fun to play with, but aren't commonly used in clojure and I wouldn't really recommend using them for real.


One possibility is to just continue using the slow operations. If your vectors are never very long, and performance isn't crucial, then the O(n) insertion operation just won't matter very much.


If that's no good, there is a solution that has the O(log(n)) insertion that you want, although it's not a lot of fun. The answer is...to simulate mutable pointers! This is an approach that often works: if pointers were mutable, you could just have a linked list, where each cell knows its two neighbors, and update them as needed when inserting. But you can't here, because circular references aren't great for functional data. But, you can add a level of indirection: give each cell a unique "label", and have it only store the labels of its neighbors. Then you have no circular references, and you can make local updates cheaply. Here's an example of the layout I'm describing, your C-major scale:

{:cell-data {0 {:left nil :right 1, :note :C3 :dur 1}
             1 {:left 0 :right 2, :note :D3 :dur 1}
             2 {:left 1 :right 3, :note :E3 :dur 1}
             3 {:left 2 :right 4, :note :F3 :dur 1}
             4 {:left 3 :right 5, :note :G3 :dur 1}
             5 {:left 4 :right 6, :note :A4 :dur 1}
             6 {:left 5 :right nil, :note :B4 :dur 1}}
 :first-node 0, :last-node 6}

下面的数字是连续的,但你可以看到在5和6,通过创建一个新的节点如何可以在添加一个节点{:左5:右6} ,并更改:权节点5,而:离开节点6

Here the numbers are sequential, but you can see how you could add a node in between 5 and 6, by creating a new node with {:left 5 :right 6}, and changing the :right of node 5, and the :left of node 6.


This organization is kinda a hassle, but it does meet your needs.


