面试问题 - 在有序阵列型X搜索索引i使得X [我] =我阵列、索引、问题

由网友(淡笑、此时的颓废)分享简介:我提出以下问题在我昨天采访:I was asked the following question in my interview yesterday:考虑一个Java或C ++数组说 X 这是排序,并没有在它的两个元素是一致的。如何最好的,你可以找到一个索引说我该索引的,这样的元素也是我。这就是 X [我] =我。...


I was asked the following question in my interview yesterday:

考虑一个Java或C ++数组说 X 这是排序,并没有在它的两个元素是一致的。如何最好的,你可以找到一个索引说该索引的,这样的元素也是。这就是 X [我] =我

Consider a Java or C++ array say X which is sorted and no two elements in it are same. How best can you find an index say i such that element at that index is also i. That is X[i] = i.


As clarification she also gave me an example:

      Array X : -3 -1 0 3 5 7 
      index   :  0  1 2 3 4 5

      Answer is 3 as X[3] = 3.


The best I could think was a linear search. After the interview I though a lot on this problem but could not find any better solution. My argument is: the element with the required property can be anywhere in the array. So it could also be at the very end of the array so we need to check every element.


I just wanted to confirm from the community here that I'm right. Please tell me I'm right :)



这可以在完成O(logN)的时间和 0(1 )用略加修改二进制搜索的空间。

This can be done in O(logN) time and O(1) space by using a slightly modified binary search.

考虑一个新的数组,使得 Y [i] = X [I] - 我

Consider a new array Y such that Y[i] = X[i] - i

Array X : -3 -1   0  3  5  7
index   :  0  1   2  3  4  5
Array Y : -3 -2  -2  0  1  2

由于 X 元素是增加的顺序,在元素 新的数组将在非减的顺序。因此,一个二进制 搜索的 0 将给出答案。

Since the elements in X are in increasing order, the elements in the new array Y will be in non-decreasing order. So a binary search for 0 in Y will give the answer.

但是创建 O(N)的空间和 O(N) 的时间。因此,而不是 创建新的数组,你只需要修改的二进制搜索,使得 参照 Y [I] 替换 X [I] - 我

But creating Y will take O(N) space and O(N) time. So instead of creating the new array you just modify the binary search such that a reference to Y[i] is replaced by X[i] - i.


function (array X) 
       low  = 0
       high = (num of elements in X) - 1

       while(low <= high) 
               mid = (low + high) / 2

               // change X[mid] to X[mid] - mid
               if(X[mid] - mid == 0)
                       return mid

               // change here too
               else if(X[mid] - mid < 0)
                       low = mid + 1;

                       high = mid - 1;
       end while

       return -1 // no such index exists...return an invalid index.

end function

Java实现 C ++实现

Java implementation C++ implementation


