
由网友(◇咒鬼)分享简介:人们可以推荐快速和简单的方法来散列codeS结合了两种对象。我不是太担心碰撞,因为我有一个哈希表,它将处理能够有效地我只想要的东西,快速生成一个code越好。Can people recommend quick and simple ways to combine the hash codes of two obje...


Can people recommend quick and simple ways to combine the hash codes of two objects. I am not too worried about collisions since I have a Hash Table which will handle that efficiently I just want something that generates a code quickly as possible.


Reading around SO and the web there seem to be a few main candidates:

异或 异或与总理乘 在简单的数字像乘法/除法运算(带溢出检查或缠绕) 建立一个String,然后使用String类的哈希code方法



我会亲自避免XOR - 这意味着,任何两个相等的值会导致0 - 所以散列(1,1)==哈希(2,2) ==散列(3,3)等。另外散列(5,0)==散列(0,5)等,这有时可能会出现。我的有无的刻意用它集哈希 - 如果你想哈希项的顺序和你的不的关心的排序,这是很好

I would personally avoid XOR - it means that any two equal values will result in 0 - so hash(1, 1) == hash(2, 2) == hash(3, 3) etc. Also hash(5, 0) == hash(0, 5) etc which may come up occasionally. I have deliberately used it for set hashing - if you want to hash a sequence of items and you don't care about the ordering, it's nice.


    int hash = 17;
    hash = hash * 31 + firstField.GetHashCode();
    hash = hash * 31 + secondField.GetHashCode();
    return hash;

这是乔希布洛赫建议在有效的Java形式。我上次回答了类似的问题,我设法寻找到这个被详细讨论的一篇文章 - IIRC,没有人真正知道为什么它工作得很好,但它确实。这也是易记,易于实施,易于扩展到任意数量的字段。

That's the form that Josh Bloch suggests in Effective Java. Last time I answered a similar question I managed to find an article where this was discussed in detail - IIRC, no-one really knows why it works well, but it does. It's also easy to remember, easy to implement, and easy to extend to any number of fields.


