
由网友(回忆狠狠的扇了我一巴掌)分享简介:例如,让字符串是第10位圆周率, 3141592653 ,和子是 123 。注意序列发生两次:For example, let the string be the first 10 digits of pi, 3141592653, and the subsequence be 123. Note that the...

例如,让字符串是第10位圆周率, 3141592653 ,和子是 123 。注意序列发生两次:

For example, let the string be the first 10 digits of pi, 3141592653, and the subsequence be 123. Note that the sequence occurs twice:

 1    2  3
   1  2  3

这是一个面试问题,我不能回答,我想不出一个高效的算法,它的窃听我。我觉得这应该可以做一个简单的正则表达式,但那些象 1 * 2 * 3 不返回每个子序列。在Python我幼稚的(算上3的每个经过2各1个)已经运行了一个小时,也没有这样做。

This was an interview question that I couldn't answer and I can't think of an efficient algorithm and it's bugging me. I feel like it should be possible to do with a simple regex, but ones like 1.*2.*3 don't return every subsequence. My naive implementation in Python (count the 3's for each 2 after each 1) has been running for an hour and it's not done.


这是一个经典的动态规划问题(通常不解决使用正则EX pressions)。

This is a classical dynamic programming problem (and not typically solved using regular expressions).


My naive implementation (count the 3's for each 2 after each 1) has been running for an hour and it's not done.

这将是它运行在指数时间穷举搜索的方法。 (我很惊讶,它虽然运行几个小时)。

That would be an exhaustive search approach which runs in exponential time. (I'm surprised it runs for hours though).


Here's a suggestion for a dynamic programming solution:

(道歉了详细描述,但每一步都是非常简单所以忍耐; - )

(Apologies for the long description, but each step is really simple so bear with me ;-)

如果在子是空的找到匹配的(没有剩余的数字匹配!),我们返回1 2021 02 08 给定一个字符串str,请问这个字符串的最长回文子序列长度是多少

If the subsequence is empty a match is found (no digits left to match!) and we return 1


If the input sequence is empty we've depleted our digits and can't possibly find a match thus we return 0


(Neither the sequence nor the subsequence are empty.)

(假设的的 ABCDEF 的表示输入序列,和 XYZ 的表示该序列。)

(Assume that "abcdef" denotes the input sequence, and "xyz" denotes the subsequence.)

设置结果 0

添加到结果比赛的人数为 BCDEF 的和的 XYZ 的(即丢弃的第一个输入数字和递归)

Add to the result the number of matches for bcdef and xyz (i.e., discard the first input digit and recurse)

如果前两位匹配,也就是说,的在 = X 的

If the first two digits match, i.e., a = x

添加到结果比赛对于的 BCDEF 的和的 YZ (即匹配第一个序列数字和递归在剩余的序列数字)


这里的递归调用输入的说明1221 / 12 。 (子序列粗体,·重新presents空字符串)

Here's an illustration of the recursive calls for input 1221 / 12. (Subsequence in bold font, · represents empty string.)


If implemented naively, some (sub-)problems are solved multiple times (· / 2 for instance in the illustration above). Dynamic programming avoids such redundant computations by remembering the results from previously solved subproblems (usually in a lookup table).


In this particular case we set up a table with

[序列的长度+ 1]行, [序列的长度+ 1]列:


我们的想法是,我们应填写在相应的行/列匹配的221 / 2 的数量。一旦这样做,我们应该有最终的解决方案,在小区1221 / 12

The idea is that we should fill in the number of matches for 221 / 2 in the corresponding row / column. Once done, we should have the final solution in cell 1221 / 12.


We start populating the table with what we know immediately (the "base cases"):




When no sequence digits are left, we can't have any matches:


We then proceed by populating the table top-down / left-to-right according to the following rule:

在单元格[行的] [ COL 的]写在发现价值[行的-1] [COL]。

In cell [row][col] write the value found at [row-1][col].

直观地看,这意味着的火柴数221 / 2 包括了所有的比赛为21 / 2 。的

Intuitively this means "The number of matches for 221 / 2 includes all the matches for 21 / 2."

如果序列行的行的和subseq在列的 COL 的开始与相同的数字,加上在[中值的行的-1] [ COL 的-1]刚才写入[值的行的] [ COL 的。

If sequence at row row and subseq at column col start with the same digit, add the value found at [row-1][col-1] to the value just written to [row][col].

直观地看这个手段的火柴数量1221 / 12 还包括所有的比赛为221 / 12 。的

Intuitively this means "The number of matches for 1221 / 12 also includes all the matches for 221 / 12."





and the value at the bottom right cell is indeed 2.


Not in Python, (my apologies).

class SubseqCounter {

    String seq, subseq;
    int[][] tbl;

    public SubseqCounter(String seq, String subseq) {
        this.seq = seq;
        this.subseq = subseq;

    public int countMatches() {
        tbl = new int[seq.length() + 1][subseq.length() + 1];

        for (int row = 0; row < tbl.length; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < tbl[row].length; col++)
                tbl[row][col] = countMatchesFor(row, col);

        return tbl[seq.length()][subseq.length()];

    private int countMatchesFor(int seqDigitsLeft, int subseqDigitsLeft) {
        if (subseqDigitsLeft == 0)
            return 1;

        if (seqDigitsLeft == 0)
            return 0;

        char currSeqDigit = seq.charAt(seq.length()-seqDigitsLeft);
        char currSubseqDigit = subseq.charAt(subseq.length()-subseqDigitsLeft);

        int result = 0;

        if (currSeqDigit == currSubseqDigit)
            result += tbl[seqDigitsLeft - 1][subseqDigitsLeft - 1];

        result += tbl[seqDigitsLeft - 1][subseqDigitsLeft];

        return result;


一个奖金为这个填补台底的做法是,它是微不足道弄清楚复杂性。工作的一个恒定的量为每一个细胞完成的,而且我们有长度序列的行数和长度,子列。复杂性是为此的 O(MN)的,其中的 M 和 N 的表示序列的长度。


A bonus for this "fill-in-the-table" approach is that it is trivial to figure out complexity. A constant amount of work is done for each cell, and we have length-of-sequence rows and length-of-subsequence columns. Complexity is therefor O(MN) where M and N denote the lengths of the sequences.


