
由网友(记忆昰座荒岛)分享简介:因此,我在寻找一个有关该问题的解决方案 - 如何转换整数区间为正则表达式。假设我有两个数字, A 和 B 。他们两人都是正整数,并让是 A<乙 I'm looking for a solution about the problem - how to convert integer interval to r...


我在寻找一个有关该问题的解决方案 - 如何转换整数区间为正则表达式。假设我有两个数字, A B 。他们两人都是正整数,并让是 A<乙

I'm looking for a solution about the problem - how to convert integer interval to regex. Suppose I have two numbers, A and B. Both of them are positive integers and let be A < B

现在,我正在寻找算法(可能是code),这将导致一个正则表达式,将匹配数字之间 A B (含边界)。例如,我有 A = 20 B = 35 ,那么正确的正则表达式是 ^ 2 [0-9] $ | ^ 3 [0-5] $ - 因为只有数字20..35将适合它

Now, I'm looking for algorithm (may be code) that will result in a single regex, that will match numbers between A and B (borders included). For example, I have A=20, B=35, then the correct regex is ^2[0-9]$|^3[0-5]$ - since only numbers 20..35 will fit to it.

在通常情况下,当 A 是像83724和 B 是这样28543485这不是那么明显,但是。

In common case, when A is something like 83724 and B is something like 28543485 it's not so obvious, however.

UPD。大多数情况下,它是一个的的好奇心的事情。 我知道做到这一点的最好办法:返回结果: A&LT; = X&功放;&安培; X - LT; = B

upd. Mostly, it is a curiosity matter. I know the best way to do this: return result: A<=X && X<=B



Why use regex in this situation?


布尔isBetween = NUM​​&GT; A和&放大器; NUM&LT; B:


(Code written in Java)


Far easier, a regex like what you're asking for could be huge and using it in this situation would be pointless and inefficient.



If you truly insist on using RegEx for this task, see this website, run the regex with verbose mode on and it will explain to you how the author's RegEx works.


