
由网友(你并不懂我)分享简介:我需要找到一个浮点数另一比,和该比需要是两个整数。例如:输入: 1.5,3.25 输出:6:13 有谁知道一个?搜索互联网,我没有发现这样的算法,也不是算法最小公倍数或两个分母浮点数(只是整数)。Java实现的:这是最后的实现,我会用:公共类RatioTest{公共静态字符串getRatio(双D1,D2双)//...


输入: 1.5,3.25 输出:6:13




公共类RatioTest {   公共静态字符串getRatio(双D1,D2双)// 1.5,3.25   {     而(Math.max(D1,D2)<为Long.MAX_VALUE和放大器;&安培; D1 =(长)D1和放大器;!&安培; D2 =(长)D2!)     {       D1 * = 10; // 15 - > 150       D2 * = 10; // 32.5 - > 325     }     // D1 = = 150.0     // D2 = = 325.0     尝试     {       双最大公约数= getGCD(D1,D2); //最大公约数== 25       返程((长)(D1 / GCD))+:+((长)(D2 / GCD)); //6:13     }     赶上(的StackOverflowError ER)//如果getGDC(递归循环法)重复次数过多     {       抛出新ArithmeticException(非理性比+ D1 +到+ D2);     }   }   公共静态双getGCD(双I1,I2双)//(150325) - > (150175) - > (150,25) - > (125,25) - > (100,25) - > (75,25) - > (50,25) - > (25,25)   {     如果(I1 = = I2)       返回I1; // 25     如果(I1> I2)       返回getGCD(i1的 - I2,I2); //(125,25) - > (100,25) - > (75,25) - > (50,25) - > (25,25)     返回getGCD(I1,I2 - 的i1); //(150175) - > (150,25)   } }

- > 表示下一阶段的循环或方法调用



进口java.util.Stack中; 公共类RatioTest {     类分数{         长NUM;         长登;         双VAL;     };     分数build_fraction(堆栈<长> CF){         长期= cf.size();         长NUM = CF [名词 - 1];         长登= 1;         而(term--大于0){             长TMP = CF [任期]             长new_num = TMP * NUM +书房;             长new_den = NUM​​;             NUM = new_num;             书房= new_den;         }         分数f;         f.num = NUM​​;         f.den =巢穴;         f.val =(双)NUM /(双)巢穴;         返回F;     }     无效get_fraction(双X){         的System.out.println(×=+ x)的;         //生成连分数         System.out.print(连分数:);         双T = Math.abs(X);         双old_error = X;         堆叠<长>比照;         分数f;         做{             //获取下学期。             长TMP =(长)吨;             cf.push(TMP);             //创建当前收敛             F = build_fraction(CF);             //检查错误             双new_error = Math.abs(f.val - X);             如果(TMP = 0&放大器;!&安培; new_error> = old_error){                 //新误差大于旧的错误。                 //这意味着,precision限制已经达到。                 //弹出这个(没用)项和爆发。                 cf.pop();                 F = build_fraction(CF);                 打破;             }             old_error = new_error;             System.out.print(TMP +,);             //误差为零。爆发。             如果(new_error == 0)                 打破;             笔 - = TMP;             吨= 1 /吨;         }而(cf.size()< 39);都需要双precision //最多39项。         的System.out.println();的System.out.println();         //打印结果         的System.out.println(分数是:+ f.num +/+ f.den);         的System.out.println(靶X =+ x)的;         的System.out.println(分数=+ f.val);         的System.out.println(相对误差是:+(Mat​​h.abs(f.val - X)/ X));的System.out.println();         的System.out.println();     }     公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args){         get_fraction(15.38 / 12.3);         get_fraction(0.3333333333333333333); //三分之一         get_fraction(0.4184397163120567376); //一百四十一分之五十九         get_fraction(0.8323518818409020299); //一百八十一万八千五百六十五分之一百五十一万三千六百八十六         get_fraction(3.1415926535897932385); // PI     } } 浮点数表示方法 计算机浮点数表示方法 CSDN



公共类RatioTest {   / **重新presents小数点* /   公共静态最后的char RAD_POI ='';   / **    *查找的两个输入之比,并返回作为&其中; TT>字符串&所述; / TT>    *< H4>的例子:其中,/ H4>    *< UL>    *<李>< TT> getRatio(0.5,12)< / TT>< UL>      *<李>返回< TT> 24:1< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> getRatio(3 82.0625)LT; / TT>< UL>    *<李>返回< TT> 1313:48< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *< / UL>    * @参数D1之比的第一数目    * @参数d2的比值的第二数目    返回:得到的比例,其格式为< TT> X:Y< / TT>中    * /   公共静态strictfp字符串getRatio(双D1,D2的双)   {     而(Math.max(D1,D2)<为Long.MAX_VALUE和放大器;&安培;!(Numbers.isCloseTo(D1,(长)D1)|| Numbers.isCloseTo(D2,(长)D2)))     {       D1 * = 10;       D2 * = 10;     }     长L1 =(长)D1,L2 =(长)D2;     尝试     {       L1 =(长)teaseUp(D1); L2 =(长)teaseUp(D2);       双最大公约数= getGCDRec(L1,L2);       返回((长)(D1 / GCD))+:+((长)(D2 / GCD));     }     赶上(的StackOverflowError ER)     {       尝试       {         双最大公约数= getGCDItr(L1,L2);         返回((长)(D1 / GCD))+:+((长)(D2 / GCD));       }       捕获(的Throwable T)       {         回到非理性比+ L1 +到+ 12;       }     }   }   / **    *< B>递归< / B>找到最大公约数(GCD)    *参数I1第一个数字做个比较,发现GCD    * @参数I2的第二数量进行比较,以找到GCD    返回:这两个数的最大公分母    * @throws的StackOverflowError如果该方法递归得多    * /   公共静态长getGCDRec(长I1,I2长)   {     如果(I1 = = I2)       返回I1;     如果(I1> I2)       返回getGCDRec(I1 - I2,I2);     返回getGCDRec(I1,I2 - 的i1);   }   / **    *< B>迭代< / B>找到最大公约数(GCD)    *参数I1第一个数字做个比较,发现GCD    * @参数I2的第二数量进行比较,以找到GCD    返回:这两个数的最大公分母    * /   公共静态长getGCDItr(长I1,I2长)   {     对于(简称I = 0; I< Short.MAX_VALUE和放大器;&安培; I1 = I2;!我++)     {       而(I1> I2)         I1 = I1 - I2;       而(I2> I1)         I2 = I2 - I1;     }       返回I1;   }   / **    *计算并返回是否< TT> D1< / TT>接近到< TT> D2< / TT>    *< H4>的例子:其中,/ H4>    *< UL>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5℃/ TT&GT中,< TT> D2 == 5℃/ TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>真< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5.0001< / TT&GT中,< TT> D2 == 5℃/ TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>真< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5℃/ TT&GT中,< TT> D2 = = 5.0001< / TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>真< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5.24999< / TT&GT中,< TT> D2 == 5.25< / TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>真< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5.25< / TT&GT中,< TT> D2 = = 5.24999< / TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>真< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *<李>< TT> D1 = = 5℃/ TT&GT中,< TT> D2 == 5.1< / TT>    *< UL><李>返回< TT>假< / TT>< /李>< / UL>< /李>    *< / UL>    *参数D1的第一个数字来比较亲密    *参数D2的第二个数字来比较亲密    * @返回< TT>真< / TT>如果两个数接近,作为判断由该方法    * /   公共静态布尔isCloseTo(双D1,D2的双)   {     如果(D1 == D2)       返回true;     双T;     串的ds = Double.toString(d1)的;     如果((T = teaseUp(D1-1))== || D2(T = teaseUp(D2-1))== D1)       返回true;     返回false;   }   / **    *不断增加的最后一位数字的与&lt值; TT> D1&所述; / TT>直到的双重长度变化    * @参数D1    * @返回    * /   公共静态双teaseUp(双D1)   {     字符串s = Double.toString(D1),O = S;     BYTE B;     对于(字节C = 0; Double.toString(extractDouble(S))长()> = o.length()及和C< 100; C ++)       S = s.substring(0,s.length() - 1)+((B =的Byte.parseByte(Character.toString(s.charAt(s.length() - 1))))== 9?0: B + 1);     返回extractDouble(多个);   }   / **    *工程就像Double.parseDouble,但忽略任何多余的字符。第一个小数点(小于TT>< / TT>)的唯一一个如此对待< BR />    *< H4>的例子:其中,/ H4>    *<李>< TT> extractDouble(123456.789)< / TT>返回&LT的双重价值; TT> 123456.789< / TT>< /李>    *<李>< TT> extractDouble(1qw2e3rty4uiop [5a'6.p7u8和9)< / TT>返回&LT的双重价值; TT> 123456.789< / TT>< /李>    *<李>< TT> extractDouble(123,456.7.8.9)< / TT>返回&LT的双重价值; TT> 123456.789< / TT>< /李>    *<李>< TT> extractDouble(我有$ 9,862.39在银行。)LT; / TT>返回&LT的双重价值; TT> 9862.39< / TT>< /李>    *参数海峡的< TT>字符串< / TT>从中提取< TT>双< / TT取代。    返回:在< TT>双< / TT>已在字符串中发现,如果有的话。    * @throws NumberFormatException异常,如果< TT> STR< / TT>不包含0和9之间,包容一个数字。    * /   公共静态双extractDouble(字符串str)抛出NumberFormatException异常   {     尝试     {       返回Double.parseDouble(STR);     }     最后     {       布尔R =真;       字符串D =;       的for(int i = 0; I< str.length();我++)         如果(Character.isDigit(str.charAt(ⅰ))||(str.charAt(ⅰ)== RAD_POI&安培;&安培; r)的)         {           如果(str.charAt(ⅰ)== RAD_POI&安培;&安培; r)的             R = FALSE;           D + = str.charAt(ⅰ);         }       尝试       {         返回Double.parseDouble(四);       }       赶上(NumberFormatException的前)       {         抛出新NumberFormatException的(输入字符串不能解析为双:+ STR);       }     }   } }



乘以10这两个值,直至尾数是完全小数点的左侧。 找到两个值的最大公约数。 在除以GCD


A = 1.5
B = 3.25




I need to find the ratio of one floating-point number to another, and the ratio needs to be two integers. For example:

input: 1.5, 3.25 output: "6:13"

Does anyone know of one? Searching the internet, I found no such algorithm, nor an algorithm for the least common multiple or denominator of two floating-point numbers (just integers).

Java implementation:

This is the final implementation that I will use:

public class RatioTest
  public static String getRatio(double d1, double d2)//1.5, 3.25
    while(Math.max(d1,d2) < Long.MAX_VALUE && d1 != (long)d1 && d2 != (long)d2)
      d1 *= 10;//15 -> 150
      d2 *= 10;//32.5 -> 325
    //d1 == 150.0
    //d2 == 325.0
      double gcd = getGCD(d1,d2);//gcd == 25
      return ((long)(d1 / gcd)) + ":" + ((long)(d2 / gcd));//"6:13"
    catch (StackOverflowError er)//in case getGDC (a recursively looping method) repeats too many times
      throw new ArithmeticException("Irrational ratio: " + d1 + " to " + d2);

  public static double getGCD(double i1, double i2)//(150,325) -> (150,175) -> (150,25) -> (125,25) -> (100,25) -> (75,25) -> (50,25) -> (25,25)
    if (i1 == i2)
      return i1;//25
    if (i1 > i2)
      return getGCD(i1 - i2, i2);//(125,25) -> (100,25) -> (75,25) -> (50,25) -> (25,25)
    return getGCD(i1, i2 - i1);//(150,175) -> (150,25)

-> indicates the next stage in the loop or method call

Mystical's implementation as Java:

Though I did not end up using this, it more than deserves to be recognized, so I translated it to Java, so I could understand it:

import java.util.Stack;

public class RatioTest
    class Fraction{
        long num;
        long den;
        double val;

    Fraction build_fraction(Stack<long> cf){
        long term = cf.size();
        long num = cf[term - 1];
        long den = 1;
        while (term-- > 0){
            long tmp = cf[term];

            long new_num = tmp * num + den;
            long new_den = num;

            num = new_num;
            den = new_den;

        Fraction f;
        f.num = num;
        f.den = den;
        f.val = (double)num / (double)den;

        return f;

    void get_fraction(double x){
        System.out.println("x = " + x);

        //  Generate Continued Fraction
        System.out.print("Continued Fraction: ");
        double t = Math.abs(x);
        double old_error = x;
        Stack<long> cf;
        Fraction f;
            //  Get next term.
            long tmp = (long)t;

            //  Build the current convergent
            f = build_fraction(cf);

            //  Check error
            double new_error = Math.abs(f.val - x);
            if (tmp != 0 && new_error >= old_error){
                //  New error is bigger than old error.
                //  This means that the precision limit has been reached.
                //  Pop this (useless) term and break out.
                f = build_fraction(cf);
            old_error = new_error;
            System.out.print(tmp + ", ");

            //  Error is zero. Break out.
            if (new_error == 0)

            t -= tmp;
            t = 1/t;
        }while (cf.size() < 39); //  At most 39 terms are needed for double-precision.

        //  Print Results
        System.out.println("The fraction is:   " + f.num + " / " + f.den);
        System.out.println("Target x = " + x);
        System.out.println("Fraction = " + f.val);
        System.out.println("Relative error is: " + (Math.abs(f.val - x) / x));System.out.println();
    public static void main(String[] args){
        get_fraction(15.38 / 12.3);
        get_fraction(0.3333333333333333333);    //  1 / 3
        get_fraction(0.4184397163120567376);    //  59 / 141
        get_fraction(0.8323518818409020299);    //  1513686 / 1818565
        get_fraction(3.1415926535897932385);    //  pi

One MORE thing:

The above mentioned implemented way of doing this works IN THEORY, however, due to floating-point rounding errors, this results in alot of unexpected exceptions, errors, and outputs. Below is a practical, robust, but a bit dirty implementation of a ratio-finding algorithm (Javadoc'd for your convenience):

public class RatioTest
  /** Represents the radix point */
  public static final char RAD_POI = '.';

   * Finds the ratio of the two inputs and returns that as a <tt>String</tt>
   * <h4>Examples:</h4>
   * <ul>
   * <li><tt>getRatio(0.5, 12)</tt><ul>
     *   <li>returns "<tt>24:1</tt>"</li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>getRatio(3, 82.0625)</tt><ul>
   *   <li>returns "<tt>1313:48</tt>"</li></ul></li>
   * </ul>
   * @param d1 the first number of the ratio
   * @param d2 the second number of the ratio
   * @return the resulting ratio, in the format "<tt>X:Y</tt>"
  public static strictfp String getRatio(double d1, double d2)
    while(Math.max(d1,d2) < Long.MAX_VALUE && (!Numbers.isCloseTo(d1,(long)d1) || !Numbers.isCloseTo(d2,(long)d2)))
      d1 *= 10;
      d2 *= 10;
    long l1=(long)d1,l2=(long)d2;
      l1 = (long)teaseUp(d1); l2 = (long)teaseUp(d2);
      double gcd = getGCDRec(l1,l2);
      return ((long)(d1 / gcd)) + ":" + ((long)(d2 / gcd));
    catch(StackOverflowError er)
        double gcd = getGCDItr(l1,l2);
        return ((long)(d1 / gcd)) + ":" + ((long)(d2 / gcd));
      catch (Throwable t)
        return "Irrational ratio: " + l1 + " to " + l2;

   * <b>Recursively</b> finds the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD)
   * @param i1 the first number to be compared to find the GCD
   * @param i2 the second number to be compared to find the GCD
   * @return the greatest common denominator of these two numbers
   * @throws StackOverflowError if the method recurses to much
  public static long getGCDRec(long i1, long i2)
    if (i1 == i2)
      return i1;
    if (i1 > i2)
      return getGCDRec(i1 - i2, i2);
    return getGCDRec(i1, i2 - i1);

   * <b>Iteratively</b> finds the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD)
   * @param i1 the first number to be compared to find the GCD
   * @param i2 the second number to be compared to find the GCD
   * @return the greatest common denominator of these two numbers
  public static long getGCDItr(long i1, long i2)
    for (short i=0; i < Short.MAX_VALUE &&  i1 != i2; i++)
      while (i1 > i2)
        i1 = i1 - i2;
      while (i2 > i1)
        i2 = i2 - i1;
      return i1;

   * Calculates and returns whether <tt>d1</tt> is close to <tt>d2</tt>
   * <h4>Examples:</h4>
   * <ul>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>true</tt></li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5.0001</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>true</tt></li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5.0001</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>true</tt></li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5.24999</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5.25</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>true</tt></li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5.25</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5.24999</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>true</tt></li></ul></li>
   * <li><tt>d1 == 5</tt>, <tt>d2 == 5.1</tt>
   *   <ul><li>returns <tt>false</tt></li></ul></li>
   * </ul>
   * @param d1 the first number to compare for closeness
   * @param d2 the second number to compare for closeness
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the two numbers are close, as judged by this method
  public static boolean isCloseTo(double d1, double d2)
    if (d1 == d2)
      return true;
    double t;
    String ds = Double.toString(d1);
    if ((t = teaseUp(d1-1)) == d2 || (t = teaseUp(d2-1)) == d1)
      return true;
    return false;

   * continually increases the value of the last digit in <tt>d1</tt> until the length of the double changes
   * @param d1
   * @return
  public static double teaseUp(double d1)
    String s = Double.toString(d1), o = s;
    byte b;
    for (byte c=0; Double.toString(extractDouble(s)).length() >= o.length() && c < 100; c++)
      s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) + ((b = Byte.parseByte(Character.toString(s.charAt(s.length() - 1)))) == 9 ? 0 : b+1);
    return extractDouble(s);

   * Works like Double.parseDouble, but ignores any extraneous characters. The first radix point (<tt>.</tt>) is the only one treated as such.<br/>
   * <h4>Examples:</h4>
   * <li><tt>extractDouble("123456.789")</tt> returns the double value of <tt>123456.789</tt></li>
   * <li><tt>extractDouble("1qw2e3rty4uiop[5a'6.p7u8&9")</tt> returns the double value of <tt>123456.789</tt></li>
   * <li><tt>extractDouble("123,456.7.8.9")</tt> returns the double value of <tt>123456.789</tt></li>
   * <li><tt>extractDouble("I have $9,862.39 in the bank.")</tt> returns the double value of <tt>9862.39</tt></li>
   * @param str The <tt>String</tt> from which to extract a <tt>double</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>double</tt> that has been found within the string, if any.
   * @throws NumberFormatException if <tt>str</tt> does not contain a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.
  public static double extractDouble(String str) throws NumberFormatException
      return Double.parseDouble(str);
      boolean r = true;
      String d = "";
      for (int i=0; i < str.length(); i++)
        if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) || (str.charAt(i) == RAD_POI && r))
          if (str.charAt(i) == RAD_POI && r)
            r = false;
          d += str.charAt(i);
        return Double.parseDouble(d);
      catch (NumberFormatException ex)
        throw new NumberFormatException("The input string could not be parsed to a double: " + str);


Assuming you have a data type that can handle arbitrarily large numeric values, you can do something like this:

Multiply both values by 10 until the significand is entirely to the left of the decimal point. Find the Greatest Common Denominator of the two values. Divide by GCD

So for you example you would have something like this:

a = 1.5
b = 3.25

multiply by 10:  15, 32.5
multiply by 10:  150, 325

find GCD:  25

divide by GCD:  6, 13


