什么是最好的自动完成/建议算法,数据结构[C ++ / C]数据结构、算法、自动完成、建议

由网友(意中猪)分享简介:我们看到谷歌,火狐一些AJAX页面显示了可能的产品清单,同时用户键入的字符。We see Google, Firefox some AJAX pages shows up list of probable items while user types characters.有人可以给好的算法,数据结构实现自动完成?...


We see Google, Firefox some AJAX pages shows up list of probable items while user types characters.


Can someone give good algorithm,datastructure for implementing autocomplete ?



A trie is a data structure that can be used to quickly find words that match a prefix.

编辑:下面是一个例子,演示如何使用一个来实现自动完成 HTTP:/ /rmandvikar.blogspot.com/2008/10/trie-examples.html

Here's an example showing how to use one to implement autocomplete http://rmandvikar.blogspot.com/2008/10/trie-examples.html

下面是3个不同的自动完成实现的比较 (尽管它在Java中没有C ++)。

Here's a comparison of 3 different auto-complete implementations (though it's in Java not C++).

* In-Memory Trie
* In-Memory Relational Database
* Java Set


When looking up keys, the trie is marginally faster than the Set implementation. Both the tire and the set are a good bit faster than the relation DB solution.


The setup cost of the Set is lower than the Trie or DB solution. You'd have to decide whether you'd be constructing new "wordsets" frequently or whether lookup speed is the higher priority.

这些结果是在Java中,您的情况可能与C ++的解决方案有所不同。

These results are in Java, your mileage may vary with a C++ solution.


