
由网友(我和世界只差一个你)分享简介:我有分布在这一区域点二维区域。我现在正尝试检测点的簇,即,区域与点的某些高密度I have a 2D area with "dots" distributed on this area. I now am trying to detect "clusters" of dots, that is, areas with...


I have a 2D area with "dots" distributed on this area. I now am trying to detect "clusters" of dots, that is, areas with a certain high density of dots.


Any thoughts on (or links to articles with thoughts on) how to elegantly detect these areas?



How about defining an arbitrary resolution for your space, and calculate for each point in that matrix, a measure of the distance from that point to all dots, then you could make a "heat graph" and use a threshold to define the clusters.


It's a nice exercise for processing, maybe later I will post a solution.



//load the image
PImage sample;
sample = loadImage("test.png");
size(sample.width, sample.height);
image(sample, 0, 0);
int[][] heat = new int[width][height];

int resolution = 5; //distance between points in the gridq
int distance = 8; //distance at wich two points are considered near
float threshold = 0.5;
int level = 240; //leven to detect the dots
int sensitivity = 1; //how much does each dot matters

//calculate the "heat" on each point of the grid
color black = color(0,0,0);
for(int a=0; a<width; a+=resolution){
  for(int b=0; b<height; b+=resolution){
    for(int x=0; x<width; x++){
      for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
        color c = sample.pixels[y*sample.width+x];        
         * the heat should be a function of the brightness and the distance, 
         * but this works (tm)
        if(brightness(c)<level && dist(x,y,a,b)<distance){
          heat[a][b] += sensitivity;

//render the output
for(int a=0; a<width; ++a){
  for(int b=0; b<height; ++b){
    pixels[b*sample.width+a] = color(heat[a][b],0,0);

EDIT 2(性能稍微少低效code,但相同的输出):

EDIT 2 (slighly less inefficient code but same output):

//load the image
PImage sample;
sample = loadImage("test.png");
size(sample.width, sample.height);
image(sample, 0, 0);
int[][] heat = new int[width][height];
int dotQ = 0;
int[][] dots = new int[width*height][2];
int X = 0;
int Y = 1;

int resolution = 1; //distance between points in the grid
int distance = 20; //distance at wich two points are considered near
float threshold = 0.6;
int level = 240; //minimum brightness to detect the dots
int sensitivity = 1; //how much does each dot matters

//detect all dots in the sample
for(int x=0; x<width; x++){
 for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
   color c = pixels[y*sample.width+x];
   if(brightness(c)<level) {
       dots[dotQ][X] += x;
       dots[dotQ++][Y] += y;

//calculate heat
for(int x=0; x<width; x+=resolution){
 for(int y=0; y<height; y+=resolution){
   for(int d=0; d<dotQ; d++){
     if(dist(x,y,dots[d][X],dots[d][Y]) < distance)

//render the output
for(int a=0; a<width; ++a){
 for(int b=0; b<height; ++b){
   pixels[b*sample.width+a] = color(heat[a][b],0,0);

/** This smooths the ouput with low resolutions
* for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) filter(DILATE);
* for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) filter(BLUR);
* filter(THRESHOLD);


And the output with (a reduced) Kent sample:


