算法寻找颜色两个人之间 - 在涂色的色彩算法、色彩、颜色、个人

由网友(入画浅相思)分享简介:在混合蓝色和黄色的油漆,结果是某种类型的绿色的。When mixing blue and yellow paint, the result is some sort of green.我有两个RGB颜色:蓝色=(0,0,255)blue = (0, 0, 255)和黄=(255,255,0)and yell...


When mixing blue and yellow paint, the result is some sort of green.



blue = (0, 0, 255)


and yellow = (255, 255, 0)


What is the algorithm for finding the rgb color that is the result of mixing the two colors, as they would appear when using paint? The resulting colors from the algorithm does not have to be terribly exact. For the example above it would only have to look like some sort of green.



This function, written in Go, worked for me, based on the answer from LaC.

func paintMix(c1, c2 image.RGBAColor) image.RGBAColor { 
    r := 255 - ((255 - c1.R) + (255 - c2.R))
    g := 255 - ((255 - c1.G) + (255 - c2.G))
    b := 255 - ((255 - c1.B) + (255 - c2.B))
    return image.RGBAColor{r, g, b, 255}

编辑#2 Allthought这个管理混合青色和黄色,蓝色和黄色的搭配变成了黑色,这似乎并不正确。我还在找工作的算法。

Edit #2 Allthought this manages to mix cyan and yellow, the mix between blue and yellow becomes black, which doesn't seem right. I'm still looking for a working algorithm.

编辑#3 下面是围棋中的一个完整的工作示例,使用HLS色彩: HTTP ://go.pastie.org/1976031 。感谢马克赎金。

Edit #3 Here's a complete working example in Go, using the HLS colorspace: http://go.pastie.org/1976031. Thanks Mark Ransom.

编辑#4 这似乎是前进的方向为更好的色彩混合将使用库贝尔卡-Munk公式

Edit #4 It seems like the way forward for even better color mixing would be to use the Kubelka-Munk equation



Paint works by absorption. You start with white light (255,255,255) and multiply it by the absorption factors.


Blue paint absorbs all red and green light that hits it.


Yellow paint absorbs all blue light that hits it.


In a perfect world, that means that combining yellow and blue paint would result in black paint, or at best a muddy gray. In practice the "blue" paint has a bias towards green, so you get a muddy green. I've never seen an example of mixing yellow and blue that produces a satisfactory green. Wikipedia goes into some of the complexities of this process: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_color#Subtractive_primaries


I think what you are really asking is how to interpolate colors along a color wheel. This should be independent of whether the colors are absorptive as in paint, or emissive as in RGB displays.


By working in the HSL color space you can get the kind of results you're looking for. Here's some code in Python that implements the algorithm; averaging hues is tricky, and is based on a previous answer of mine for averaging angles.

from colorsys import rgb_to_hls,hls_to_rgb
from math import sin,cos,atan2,pi

def average_colors(rgb1, rgb2):
    h1, l1, s1 = rgb_to_hls(rgb1[0]/255., rgb1[1]/255., rgb1[2]/255.)
    h2, l2, s2 = rgb_to_hls(rgb2[0]/255., rgb2[1]/255., rgb2[2]/255.)
    s = 0.5 * (s1 + s2)
    l = 0.5 * (l1 + l2)
    x = cos(2*pi*h1) + cos(2*pi*h2)
    y = sin(2*pi*h1) + sin(2*pi*h2)
    if x != 0.0 or y != 0.0:
        h = atan2(y, x) / (2*pi)
        h = 0.0
        s = 0.0
    r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
    return (int(r*255.), int(g*255.), int(b*255.))

>>> average_colors((255,255,0),(0,0,255))
(0, 255, 111)
>>> average_colors((255,255,0),(0,255,255))
(0, 255, 0)


Note that this answer does not emulate paint mixing, for the reasons stated above. Rather it gives an intuitive mixing of colors that is not grounded in any physical world reality.


