
由网友(各种婊子各种装°)分享简介:我工作的一个应用程序需要随机数的矩阵。基质可以在任何方向在任何时间增长,而且并不总是充分。 (用四叉树或别的东西,我可能会最终重新实现它,而不是有很多空对象的矩阵。)An application I'm working on requires a matrix of random numbers. The matri...

我工作的一个应用程序需要随机数的矩阵。基质可以在任何方向在任何时间增长,而且并不总是充分。 (用四叉树或别的东西,我可能会最终重新实现它,而不是有很多空对象的矩阵。)

An application I'm working on requires a matrix of random numbers. The matrix can grow in any direction at any time, and isn't always full. (I'll probably end up re-implementing it with a quad tree or something else, rather than a matrix with a lot of null objects.)


I need a way to generate the same matrix, given the same seed, no matter in which order I calculate the matrix.

LazyRandomMatrix rndMtx1 = new LazyRandomMatrix(1234) // Seed new object
float X = rndMtx1[0,0] // Lazily generate random numbers on demand
float Y = rndMtx1[3,16]
float Z = rndMtx1[23,-5]

Debug.Assert(X == rndMtx1[0,0])
Debug.Assert(Y == rndMtx1[3,16])
Debug.Assert(Z == rndMtx1[23,-5])

LazyRandomMatrix rndMtx2 = new LazyRandomMatrix(1234) // Seed second object
Debug.Assert(Y == rndMtx2[3,16])  // Lazily generate the same random numbers
Debug.Assert(Z == rndMtx2[23,-5]) // on demand in a different order
Debug.Assert(X == rndMtx2[0,0])


Yes, if I knew the dimensions of the array, the best way would be to generate the entire array, and just return values, but they need to be generated independently and on demand.


My first idea was to initialize a new random number generator for each call to a new coordinate, seeding it with some hash of the overall matrix's seed and the coordinates used in calling, but this seems like a terrible hack, as it would require creating a ton of new Random objects.


什么你说的是通常被称为柏林噪声,这里有一个链接,你:的 http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm

What you're talking about is typically called "Perlin Noise", here's a link for you: http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm


The most important thing in that article is the noise function in 2D:

  function Noise1(integer x, integer y)
    n = x + y * 57
    n = (n<<13) ^ n;
    return ( 1.0 - ( (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 7fffffff) / 1073741824.0);    
  end function

它返回一个数字,-1.0和+1.0之间仅基于x和y coordonates(和硬codeD的种子,你可以在你的应用程序开始随意改变或只是离开它,因为它是)。

It returns a number between -1.0 and +1.0 based on the x and y coordonates alone (and a hard coded seed that you can change randomly at the start of your app or just leave it as it is).


The rest of the article is about interpolating these numbers, but depending on how random you want these numbers, you can just leave them as it is. Note that these numbers will be utterly random. If you instead apply a Cosine Interpolator and use the generated noise every 5-6 indexes, interpolating inbetween, you get heightmap data (which is what I used it for). Skip it for totally random data.


