
由网友(苍耳.)分享简介:假设随机点的 P1到P20 散落在一个平面上。那么有没有什么办法来这些点在任何顺时针或反顺时针排序。Suppose random points P1 to P20 scattered in a plane.Then is there any way to sort those points in either cl...

假设随机点的 P1到P20 散落在一个平面上。 那么有没有什么办法来这些点在任何顺时针或反顺时针排序。

Suppose random points P1 to P20 scattered in a plane. Then is there any way to sort those points in either clock-wise or anti-clock wise.

下面的我们不能使用度,因为你可以从图像中多点看可以有相同的程度。 例如,这里的 P4,P5和P13 获得相同的程度。

Here we can’t use degree because you can see from the image many points can have same degree. E.g, here P4,P5 and P13 acquire the same degree.


你说你想要一个有序的结果P1,P2,P13 ...?

Are you saying you want an ordered result P1, P2, ... P13?


If that's the case, you need to find the convex hull of the points. Walking around the circumference of the hull will then give you the order of the points that you need.

在实际意义上说,看看OpenCV中的文档 - 调用凸形轮廓顺时针= TRUE 为您提供了一个载体在您希望的顺序分。链接是C ++,但也有C和Python的API的也有。其他包类似于Matlab应该具有相似的功能,因为这是一种常见的几何解决的问题。

In a practical sense, have a look at OpenCV's documentation -- calling convexHull with clockwise=true gives you a vector of points in the order that you want. The link is for C++, but there are C and Python APIs there as well. Other packages like Matlab should have a similar function, as this is a common geometrical problem to solve.



Once you get your convex hull, you could iteratively collapse it from the outside to get the remaining points. Your iterations would stop when there are no more pixels left inside the hull. You would have to set up your collapse function such that closer points are included first, i.e. such that you get:



In both diagrams, green is the original convex hull, the other colors are collapsed areas.


