
由网友(习惯背叛)分享简介:我有一个手机信号塔的问题。有n个乡镇。我们希望在一些乡镇建立手机信号塔。每个单元塔可覆盖本身和它的邻居。每个镇有一个成本打造的手机信号塔。我们要找出建立手机信号塔覆盖所有乡镇的最低成本。I have a cell tower question. There are n towns. We want to build...


I have a cell tower question. There are n towns. We want to build cell tower in some of the towns. Each cell tower can cover itself and its neighbor. Each town has a cost to build cell tower. We want to find out the minimum cost to build the cell tower to cover all towns.



COST 5 1 2 我们选择在城里-2打造的手机信号塔。成本是1。

COST 5 1 2 We select to build cell tower in town-2. The cost is 1.


COST 5 1 2 3 我们选择在城里-2/3打造的手机信号塔。的成本是1 + 2 = 3

COST 5 1 2 3 We select to build cell tower in town-2/3. The cost is 1+2=3.


COST 5 1 3 2

COST 5 1 3 2

我们选择在城里-2/4,以建立手机信号塔。的成本是1 + 2 = 3

We select to build cell tower in town-2/4. The cost is 1+2=3.


It's a dynamic programming algorithm. How can I solve it?

谢谢 凌



f(0,_) = 0
f(1,true) = 0
f(1,false) = cost[1]
f(x,true) = min{ f(x-1,true) + cost[x], f(x-1,false) }
f(x,false) = min { f(x-1,true) + cost[x], f(x-2,true) + cost[x-1]}


The idea is:

X 是城市的当前数量,我们正在研究,并布尔是真实的,如果这个城市已经覆盖(增城市从左边)。

x is the current number of city we are looking at, and the boolean is true if this city is already covered (by the city from the left).

F(0,_)是一个空基地条款 - 它是免费的覆盖没有 F(假)为基地,全市1不是盖的,所以你必须把塔那里, F(1,真)是城市1涵盖了基础,所以你并不需要一个塔,和你做。 F(X,真)是这样的X城市已经覆盖,所以你可以把有一座塔,并持续到下一个城市[这是还包括 - F(X-1,真)],或不把塔那里,下一个城市不是盖的[ F (X-1,FALSE)] F(X,FALSE)是X城市不是盖的,所以你基本上有两种选择,或者放一个塔在那里,然后再继续的情况下 F(X-1,真)。或者放一个塔,在未来的城市(在X-1),然后继续 F(X-2,真) f(0,_) is an empty base clause - it is free to cover nothing. f(1,false) is base where city 1 is not covered, so you must put a tower there, and f(1,true) is a base where city 1 is covered, so you don't need a tower and you are done. f(x,true) is the case that the city x is already covered, so you can put there a tower, and continue to the next city [which is also covered - f(x-1,true)], or don't put a tower there, and the next city is not covered [f(x-1,false)] f(x,false) is the case where city x is not covered, so you basically have two choices, or put a tower in there, and then continue to f(x-1,true). Or put a tower in the next city (in x-1) and then continue to f(x-2,true)

开始用 F(X,FALSE),其中 X 是最后一个城市,你会得到最小的解决方案。 是容易看出,这个递推公式可以很容易地修改,以DP。

Start with f(x,false), where x is the last city, and you'll get the minimal solution. It is easy to see that this recursive formula can easily be modified to DP.


