
由网友(温驯小鹿)分享简介:由于 N 32位整数(假定他们是积极的),你要首先着眼于最显著移共位和递归排序由排序整数那些位创建的每个桶。Given n 32 bit integers (assume that they are positive), you want to sort them by first looking at the m...

由于 N 32位整数(假定他们是积极的),你要首先着眼于最显著移共位和递归排序由排序整数那些位创建的每个桶。

Given n 32 bit integers (assume that they are positive), you want to sort them by first looking at the most significant shift in total bits and recursively sorting each bucket that is created by the sorted integers on those bits.


So if shift is 2, then you will first look at the two most significant bits in each 32 bit integer and then apply counting sort. Finally, from the groups that you will get, you recurse on each group and start sorting the numbers of each group by looking at the third and the fourth most significant bit. You do this recursively.


My code is following:

void radix_sortMSD(int start, int end, 
          int shift, int currentDigit, int input[])

    if(end <= start+1 || currentDigit>=32) return;

     find total amount of buckets
     which is basically 2^(shift)
    long long int numberOfBuckets = (1UL<<shift);

     initialize a temporary array 
     that will hold the sorted input array
     after finding the values of each bucket.   

    int tmp[end];

     Allocate memory for the buckets.
   int *buckets = new int[numberOfBuckets + 1];

       initialize the buckets,
        we don't care about what's 
     happening in position numberOfBuckets+1
   for(int p=0;p<numberOfBuckets + 1;p++)
         buckets[p] = 0;

   //update the buckets
   for (int p = start; p < end; p++)
      buckets[((input[p] >> (32 - currentDigit - shift)) 
                &   (numberOfBuckets-1)) + 1]++;

   //find the accumulative sum
   for(int p = 1; p < numberOfBuckets + 1; p++)
       buckets[p] += buckets[p-1];

   //sort the input array input and store it in array tmp   
   for (int p = start; p < end; p++){ 
    tmp[buckets[((input[p] >> (32 - currentDigit- shift)) 
            & (numberOfBuckets-1))]++] = input[p];

   //copy all the elements in array tmp to array input
   for(int p = start; p < end; p++)
          input[p] = tmp[p];

   //recurse on all the groups that have been created
   for(int p=0;p<numberOfBuckets;p++){
       start+buckets[p+1], shift, currentDigit+shift, input);

    //free the memory of the buckets
    delete[] buckets;

  int main()

        int a[] = {1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 8, 4, 3};
        int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
        radix_sortMSD(0,n, 2,0,a);
        return 0;


I can imagine only two issues in this code.

第一个问题是我是否真正得到每次迭代的整数正确的位。我做了假设,如果我在的位置 currentDigit 在那里,如果 currentDigit = 0 这意味着我在位 32 我的整数,那么获得下位,我做了右移 32 - currentDigit - 移的地方,然后我应用与操作,以获得至少大部分显著位,这正是我想要的位

First issue is whether or not I actually get the correct bits of the integers in every iteration. I made the assumption that if I am in position currentDigit where if currentDigit = 0 it means that I am in bit 32 of my integer, then to get the next shift bits, I do a right shift by 32 - currentDigit - shift places and then I apply the AND operation to get the shift least most significant bits, which are exactly the bits that I want.


Second issue is in recursion. I do not think that I recurse on the right groups, but due to the fact that I have no idea whether the first issue is actually resolved correctly, I can not say more things about this at the moment.

在此的任何反馈意见,将AP preciated。

any feedback on this would be appreciated.



added main function to show how my radix function is called.


另一个更新,转化为模板数组类型。 TMP阵列现在作为参数传递。复制的步骤被淘汰和辅助函数添加到返回的排序的数据结束了在缓冲区中。测试400万64位无符号整数,它的工作原理,但它的速度慢。实现了与numberOfBits =最快的时间4. numberOfBits不再有整除每个元素的位数。

Another update, converted to template for array type. Tmp array is now passed as a parameter. The copy steps were eliminated and a helper function added to return the buffer that the sorted data ends up in. Tested with 4 million 64 bit unsigned integers, it works but it's slow. Fastest time achieved with numberOfBits = 4. numberOfBits no longer has to exactly divide the number of bits per element.


To explain why MSD first is slow I'll use a card sorter analogy. Imagine you have 1,000 cards, each with 3 digits, 000 to 999, in random order. Normally you run through the sorter with the 3rd digit, ending up with 100 cards in each of the bins, bin 0 holds the cards with a "0", ... bin 9 holds the cards with a "9". You then concatenate the cards from bin 0 to bin 9, and run them through the sorter again using the 2nd digit, and again using the 1st digit, resulting in a sorted set of cards. That's 3 runs with 1000 cards on each run, so a total of 3000 cards went through the sorter.

现在由第1位开始与随机排序卡又和排序。不能连接的套,因为具有较高的1号位,但低于第二位卡最终失灵。所以,现在你需要做10次每100张卡。这导致100组,每组10张牌,您通过分拣机再次运行,导致1000套的每1卡,以及卡现在排序。因此,通过分拣机运行的卡的数量仍然是3000,与上面相同,但你必须做111道(1 1000卡套,10,100卡套,100与10卡套)。

Now start with the randomly ordered cards again, and sort by the 1st digit. You can't concatenate the the sets, because cards with higher 1st digits but lower 2nd digits end up out of order. So now you have to do 10 runs with 100 cards each. This results in 100 sets of 10 cards each, which you run again through the sorter, resulting in 1000 sets of 1 card each, and the cards are now sorted. So the number of cards run through the sorter is still 3,000, same as above, but you had to do 111 runs (1 with 1000 card set, 10 with 100 card sets, 100 with 10 card sets).

template <typename T>
void RadixSortMSD(size_t start, size_t end, 
          size_t numberOfBits, size_t currentBit, T input[], T tmp[])
    if((end - start) < 1)

    // adjust numberOfBits if currentBit close to end element
    if((currentBit + numberOfBits) > (8*sizeof(T)))
        numberOfBits = (8*sizeof(T)) - currentBit;

    // set numberOfBuckets
    size_t numberOfBuckets = 1 << numberOfBits;
    size_t bitMask = numberOfBuckets - 1;
    size_t shift = (8*sizeof(T)) - currentBit - numberOfBits;

    // create bucket info
    size_t *buckets = new size_t[numberOfBuckets+1];
    for(size_t p = 0; p < numberOfBuckets+1; p++)
        buckets[p] = 0;
    for(size_t p = start; p < end; p++)
        buckets[(input[p] >> shift) & bitMask]++;
    size_t m = start;
    for(size_t p = 0; p < numberOfBuckets+1; p++){
        size_t n = buckets[p];
        buckets[p] = m;
        m += n;

    //sort the input array input and store it in array tmp   
    for (size_t p = start; p < end; p++){ 
        tmp[buckets[(input[p] >> shift) & bitMask]++] = input[p];

    // restore bucket info
    for(size_t p = numberOfBuckets; p > 0; p--)
        buckets[p] = buckets[p-1];
    buckets[0] = start;

    // advance current bit
    currentBit += numberOfBits;
    if(currentBit < (8*sizeof(T))){
        //recurse on all the groups that have been created
        for(size_t p=0; p < numberOfBuckets; p++){
            RadixSortMSD(buckets[p], buckets[p+1],
                numberOfBits, currentBit, tmp, input);

    //free buckets
    delete[] buckets;

template <typename T>
T * RadixSort(T *pData, T *pTmp, size_t n)
size_t numberOfBits = 4;
    RadixSortMSD(0, n, numberOfBits, 0, pData, pTmp);
    // return the pointer to the sorted data
        return pTmp;
        return pData;