
由网友(风流少爷)分享简介:我在访问使用Ajax的字典REST API。 I'm accessing a dictionary REST API using Ajax. $.ajax({url: "http://api.wordnik.com//v4/word.json/cat/definitions?api_key=mykey&includ...

我在访问使用Ajax的字典REST API。

I'm accessing a dictionary REST API using Ajax.

  url: "http://api.wordnik.com//v4/word.json/cat/definitions?api_key=mykey&includeRelated=false&includeTags=false&limit=1",
  dataType : 'json',
  success: function(data) {
    //called when successful
  error: function(e) {
    //called when there is an error


    "textProns": [],
    "sourceDictionary": "ahd-legacy",
    "exampleUses": [],
    "relatedWords": [],
    "labels": [],
    "citations": [],
    "word": "cat",
    "text": "A small carnivorous mammal (Felis catus or F. domesticus) domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties.",
    "sequence": "0",
    "score": 0.0,
    "partOfSpeech": "noun",
    "attributionText": "from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition"


In my test example I get an alert undefined on success. Most Ajax examples I saw use loops but I'm returning one result. How can I extract the word and text values from the objects?


正如你可以看到你的反应开始 [结束] 。所以,你的反应是一个数组。然后,在数组中,你得到的对象(从 {结束} )。所以,你的数据是一个数组,它可以访问数据[X] (x是指数),以及所选对象的每个成员都可以使用.dot符号来访问: .word 的.text 等,所以在你的情况,如果有结果只有一个,你可以做数据[0] .word

As you can see your response starts with [ and ends with ]. So your response is an array. Then, inside the array, you get objects (starting with { and ending with }). So your data is an array, which can be accessed with data[x] (x being the index), and each member of the selected object can be accessed with the .dot notation: .word, .text etc. So in your case, if there's only one result, you can do data[0].word.


