
由网友(花心尐铯魇)分享简介:我想一个简单的方法来重新present对象列表的顺序。当一个对象改变位置,在该列表中,我想更新的只是一个记录的。我不知道这是可以做到的,但我很感兴趣地问SO蜂巢... I would like a simple way to represent the order of a list of objects. When...


I would like a simple way to represent the order of a list of objects. When an object changes position in that list I would like to update just one record. I don't know if this can be done but I'm interested to ask the SO hive...

算法(或数据结构)应该允许各色通过更新单个项目的属性重新定位在列表 的算法(或数据结构)应该不需要看家维护该列表的完整性 的算法(或数据结构)应允许对新项目的插入或移除现有的项目的



[UPDATED to clarify question]


The use-case for this algorithm is a web application with a CRUDy, resourceful server setup and a clean (Angular) client.


It's good practice to keep to the pure CRUD actions where possible and makes for cleaner code all round. If I can do this operation in a single resource#update request then I don't need any additional serverside code to handle the re-ordering and it can all be done using CRUD with no alterations.


If more than one item in the list needs to be updated for each move then I need a new action on my controller to handle it. It's not a showstopper but it starts spilling over into Angular and everything becomes less clean than it ideally should be.


Let's say we have a magazine and the magazine has a number of pages :

Original magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (page=1)
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (page=2)
- double page advert for Audi    (page=3)
- article by James May           (page=4)
- article by Richard Hammond     (page=5)
- advert for Volkswagen          (page=6)




If I want to pull Richard Hammond's page up from page 5 to page 2 I can do so by altering its page number. However I also have to alter all the pages which it then displaces:

Updated magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (page=1)
- article by Richard Hammond     (page=2)(old_value=5)*
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (page=3)(old_value=2)*
- double page advert for Audi    (page=4)(old_value=3)*
- article by James May           (page=5)(old_value=4)*
- advert for Volkswagen          (page=6)


* properties updated

- 它不适合我的建筑

让我们说这个正在使用通过Angular.js JavaScript的拖放正下降重新排序完成的。我想理想情况下只更新已移动页面上的一个值,独自离开了其他页面。我想发送一个HTTP请求到CRUD资源理查德·哈蒙德的网页说,它现在被移动到第二页。

Let's say this is being done using javascript drag-n-drop re-ordering via Angular.js. I would ideally like to just update a value on the page which has been moved and leave the other pages alone. I want to send an http request to the CRUD resource for Richard Hammond's page saying that it's now been moved to the second page.

- 它不能扩展


It's not a problem for me yet but at some point I may have 10,000 pages. I'd rather not update 9,999 of them when I move a new page to the front page.



If instead of storing the page's position, I instead store the page that comes before it then I reduce the number of actions from a maximum of N to 3.

Original magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (id = ford,         page_before = nil)
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (id = clarkson,     page_before = ford)
- article by James May           (id = captain_slow, page_before = clarkson)
- double page advert for Audi    (id = audi,         page_before = captain_slow)
- article by Richard Hammond     (id = hamster,      page_before = audi)
- advert for Volkswagen          (id = vw,           page_before = hamster)

我们再次将面露仓鼠起来...... 的

again we move the cheeky hamster up...

Updated magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (id = ford,         page_before = nil)
- article by Richard Hammond     (id = hamster,      page_before = ford)*
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (id = clarkson,     page_before = hamster)*
- article by James May           (id = captain_slow, page_before = clarkson)
- double page advert for Audi    (id = audi,         page_before = captain_slow)
- advert for volkswagen          (id = vw,           page_before = audi)*


* properties updated


This requires updating three rows in the database: the page we moved, the page just below its old position and the page just below its new position.


It's better but it still involves updating three records and doesn't give me the resourceful CRUD behaviour I'm looking for.



Remember though, I still want to update only one record for each repositioning. In my quest to do this I take a different approach. Instead of storing the page position as an integer I store it as a float. This allows me to move an item by slipping it between two others:

Original magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (page=1.0)
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (page=2.0)
- double page advert for Audi    (page=3.0)
- article by James May           (page=4.0)
- article by Richard Hammond     (page=5.0)
- advert for Volkswagen          (page=6.0)


and then we move Hamster again:

Updated magazine
- double page advert for Ford    (page=1.0)
- article by Richard Hammond     (page=1.5)*
- article about Jeremy Clarkson  (page=2.0)
- double page advert for Audi    (page=3.0)
- article by James May           (page=4.0)
- advert for Volkswagen          (page=6.0)


* properties updated


Each time we move an item, we chose a value somewhere between the item above and below it (say by taking the average of the two items we're slipping between).



Whatever algorithm you use for inserting the pages into each other will eventually run out of decimal places since you have to keep using smaller numbers. As you move items more and more times you gradually move down the floating point chain and eventually need a new position which is smaller than anything available.


Every now and then you therefore have to do a reset to re-index the list and bring it all back within range. This is ok but I'm interested to see whether there is a way to encode the ordering which doesn't require this housekeeping.

难道一个算法(或者更准确的说,数据编码)存在这个问题,这仅需要一个更新,没有看家?如果是这样你能的的解释简单的英语的运行方式(IG没有提及向图或顶点)? Muchos格拉西亚斯。

Does an algorithm (or perhaps more accurately, a data encoding) exist for this problem which requires only one update and no housekeeping? If so can you explain it in plain english how it works (i.g. no reference to directed graphs or vertices...)? Muchos gracias.


I've awarded the bounty on this to the question I feel had the most interesting answer. Nobody was able to offer a solution (since from the looks of things there isn't one) so I've not marked any particular question as correct.



After having spent even more time thinking about this problem, it occurs to me that the housekeeping criterion should actually be adjusted. The real danger with housekeeping is not that it's a hassle to do but that it should ideally be robust to a client who has an outstanding copy of a pre-housekept set.

让我们说,乔加载了包含列表(使用角)的网页,然后熄灭,使一杯茶。他只是下载后,房管发生和重新索引的所有项目(1000,2000,3000等)。经过他来自他喝茶回来,他移动从1010 1011一个项目有一个在这一点上的风险,重新索引将会把他的项目到位置时,它的目的不是为了去。

Let's say that Joe loads up a page containing a list (using Angular) and then goes off to make a cup of tea. Just after he downloads it the housekeeping happens and re-indexes all items (1000, 2000, 3000 etc).. After he comes back from his cup of tea, he moves an item from 1010 1011. There is a risk at this point that the re-indexing will place his item into a position it wasn't intended to go.

至于以后的说明 - 任何看家算法理论上应稳健跨越列表的不同housekept版本也提交了项目的或者你应该版的内务管理和创建一个错误,如果有人试图。跨版本更新。

As a note for the future - any housekeeping algorithm should ideally be robust to items submitted across different housekept versions of the list too. Alternatively you should version the housekeeping and create an error if someone tries to update across versions.



While the linked list requires only a few updates it's got some drawbacks too:

在这不平凡的处理删除从列表中(你可能需要相应地调整你的#destroy方法 这是不容易的命令列表检索



I think that having seen all the discussion, I think I would choose the non-integer (or string) positioning:

在它的强大,以插入和删除 在它的工作原理一个更新的


It does however need housekeeping and as mentioned above, if you're going to be complete you will also need to version each housekeeping and raise an error if someone tries to update based on a previous list version.



@tmyklebu has the answer, but he never quite got to the punch line: The answer to your question is "no" unless you are willing to accept a worst case key length of n-1 bits to store n items.

这意味着,总密钥存储的n项是O(n ^ 2)。

This means that total key storage for n items is O(n^2).


There is an "adversary" information-theoretic argument that says no matter what scheme for assigning keys you choose for a database of n items, I can always come up with a series of n item re-positionings ("Move item k to position p.") that will force you to use a key with n-1 bits. Or by extension, if we start with an empty database, and you give me items to insert, I can choose a sequence of insertion positions that will require you to use at least zero bits for the first, one for the second, etc. indefinitely.



I earlier had an idea here about using rational numbers for keys. But it was more expensive than just adding one bit of length to split the gap between pairs of keys that differ by one. So I've removed it.


