
由网友(我的世界没人能懂)分享简介:的幼稚的方法是将线性迭代的范围内,乘以在所述范围内的每个数。 The naive way would be to linearly iterate the range and multiply with each number in the range. 例:数组:{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};指...


The naive way would be to linearly iterate the range and multiply with each number in the range.

例:数组:{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; 指数乘以3到指数8 2.假设一家立足指数。

Example: Array: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; Multiply index 3 to index 8 with 2. Assuming one based index.


Result array should be : {1,2,6,8,10,12,14,16,9,10};


I know that Binary indexed tree can be used for the 'sum' part. How can I efficiently multiply a given range with a number?



If you want to actually modify the array, you can't do better than the naive linear algorithm: you have to iterate the entire range and modify each index accordingly.

如果你的意思是这样,你有更新的操作,如您所描述和查询操作查找范围内的总和,从X到Y ,然后段树可以帮助像这样。

If you mean something like, you have update operations like you described and a query operation find the sum in the range from x to y, then a segment tree can help like so.

对于每个更新操作左,右,值,每个节点包含在相关联的范围[左,右] ,其总和被乘以,所以更新此相应,并停止继续进行递归。这也将适用于间隔您不会递归的,所以不是实际更新的总和,店里的每个节点及其关联的区间多少乘以。

For each update operation left, right, value, for each node with an associated range included in [left, right], its sum gets multiplied by value, so update this accordingly and stop proceeding with the recursion. This will also apply to intervals you will not recurse on, so instead of actually updating the sum, store in each node how much its associated interval was multiplied by.


When returning from recursion, you can recompute the actual sums according to this info.


Update(node, left, right, value):
  if [left, right] does not intersect node.associated_range:

  if [left, right] included in node.associated_range:
    node.multiplications *= value # 1 initially

  Update(node.left, left, right, value)
  Update(node.right, left, right, value)

  node.sum = node.left.sum * node.left.multiplications +
             node.right.sum * node.right.multiplications


Basically, each node will store its sum by only considering the multiplications in child segments. Its true sum will be lazily computed during a query by using the information regarding the multiplications that affected that interval.


A sum query is then performed almost like a usual query on a segment tree: just make sure to multiply the sums by how much them or parent intervals were multiplied by.


Query(node, multiplications = 1, left, right):
  if [left, right] does not intersect node.associated_range:
    return 0     

  if [left, right] included in node.associated_range:
    return node.sum * multiplications

  return Query(node.left, multiplications * node.multiplications, left, right) +
         Query(node.right, multiplications * node.multiplications, left, right)

这是最初建立的树作为一个练习的功能(你可以做的比要求更新更好一点 N 次)。

The function that initially builds the tree is left as an exercise (you can do a bit better than calling update n times).


