
由网友(病落高慌。)分享简介:有没有什么好的算法来找到最近的素数给定的真正多少?我只需要在第一个素数100左右的时间内搜索。Is there any nice algorithm to find the nearest prime number to a given real number? I only need to search with...


Is there any nice algorithm to find the nearest prime number to a given real number? I only need to search within the first 100 primes or so.


At present, I've a bunch of prime numbers stored in an array and I'm checking the difference one number at a time (O(n)?).



Rather than a sorted list of primes, given the relatively small range targetted, have an array indexed by all the odd numbers in the range (you know there are no even primes except the special case of 2) and containing the closest prime. Finding the solution becomes O(1) time-wise.

我觉得100主要是大约541 270 [小]整数数组的所有需要​​。

I think the 100th prime is circa 541. an array of 270 [small] ints is all that is needed.

此方法特别有效,由于相对高密度的素数的(特别是相对于奇数),在低于1000的范围内。 (由于这会影响一二进制树的大小)

This approach is particularly valid, given the relative high density of primes (in particular relative to odd numbers), in the range below 1,000. (As this affects the size of a binary tree)


