
由网友(绾发似君心)分享简介:由于一个HashMap,其中的映射是:Given a HashMap where the mapping is:a => 1b => 2......z => 26查找可从该号码产生串的最大数。例如:Find the maximum number of strings that could be gener...


Given a HashMap where the mapping is:

a => 1
b => 2
z => 26


Find the maximum number of strings that could be generated from that number. For example:

function("111") = 3
// aaa - 1,1,1
// ak - 1, 11
// ka - 11, 1

function("26") = 2
// bf - 2, 6
// z - 26

function("101") = 1
// ja - 10, 1
// note that there are no other possibilities since 0 does not map to anything


It would be helpful if someone could provide the solution code in Java. Thanks!


我在一些采访中这个问题,当我没有使用伪code,或只是在黑板上画它回答这个问题,面试官很IM pressed。

I had this question in some interview, when I did answer the question using pseudo code or just drawing it on the board, the interviewer was very impressed.


I don't have the exact solution, but it better not be implemented as a recursion because it's too complicated.

解决方法: 我们的想法是让所有可能的组合,可以通过字符串长度的函数参数做出的。 比方说,你输入的是111,这样可能的组合有:

SOLUTION: The idea is to have all the possible combinations that you can make of by the String length which is the function parameter. Let's say that your input is "111" so the possible combinations are:

在1,1,1 11,1 1,11

每当我们需要的一个或两个从字符串参数正确的地方? 这听起来像二进制的,所以我们可以标记:

Each time we need to take one or two places from the String parameter right? It sounds like binary, so we can mark:

一个作为0 两个作为1 one as '0' two as '1'


So our combinations above are like:

在1,1,1 == >> 0,0,0 11,1 == >> 1,0 1,11 == >> 0,1


By each binary combination we can take values from the string and find the letters we need from the ABC. If some value can't be found in range of 1-26 so it's not valid.


The solution starts from a calculation how to find the possible combinations by the String length as given as a parameter.


