
由网友(善变的灵魂)分享简介:我有一个应用程序,指数出现在影片的前16名的颜色。I've an application that indexes the top 16 colors that appear in videos.我想要写另一个应用程序,允许用户选择一种颜色,然后应用程序发现,这种颜色出现在所有的视频​​I'm trying to...


I've an application that indexes the top 16 colors that appear in videos.


I'm trying to write another application that allows the user to select a color and then the application finds all videos that this color appears in.


The problem is that as I only index 16 colors per video, the users choose an RGB color. The probability that this color is indexed is very low, so almost always my application returns no results.

我想了个办法,我可以做这项工作 - 我能指标显示在视频并将其转换为最接近的8位色的颜色

I thought of a way I could make this work - I could index the colors that appear in the video and convert them to closest 8-bit color.


Then when a user selects an RGB color, I could convert the user choice to the same 8-bit closest color.


This way I'd always have matches.


The only major problem I've right now is how to convert an RGB color to the closest 8 bit color?


您需要做的是转换RGB到HSB(色相饱和度亮度)值。 HSB是3个字节,就像RGB,所不同的是HSB值可以更容易地比RGB比较

What you need to do is convert the RGB to an HSB (hue saturation brightness) value. HSB is 3 bytes, just like RGB, the difference is that HSB values can be compared much more easily than RGB.


Your next step is decide on an "importance" weighting. For example, if all you care about is "color/hue", not saturation or brightness, then you can throw away the S and B bytes and just use the color byte.


If it were me and I were constrained to 8 bits I would use 4 bits of color information (16 different colors), 3 bits of saturation (8 different values), and 1 bit of brightness information (light or dark).


This article describes how to do HSB in Java:


该人士$ ​​C $ C对这篇文章有一个RGB到HSB转换器的Java。

The source code for this article has an RGB to HSB converter in Java.


