
由网友(献世)分享简介:上下文:我想要夹一的地形图到围绕着一些风力涡轮机的最小尺寸的椭圆形,以减少地图的大小。程序执行此地图裁剪可以夹在椭圆的,但只与轴椭圆沿x轴和y轴对齐。 Context: I'm trying to clip a topographic map into the minimum-size ellipse around...


Context: I'm trying to clip a topographic map into the minimum-size ellipse around a number of wind turbines, to minimize the size of the map. The program doing this map clipping can clip in ellipses, but only ellipses with axes aligned along the x and y axes.


I know the algorithm for the bounding ellipse problem (finding the smallest-area ellipse that encloses a set of points).

但如何约束本算法(或使不同的算法),使得所得到的椭圆需要具有其长轴取向水平或垂直,取其给出最小的椭圆 - 永不以角度θ

But how do I constrain this algorithm (or make a different algorithm) such that the resulting ellipse is required to have its major axis oriented either horizontally or vertically, whichever gives the smallest ellipse -- and never at an angle?


Of course, this constraint makes the resulting ellipse larger than it "needs" to be to enclose all the points, but that's the constraint nonetheless.



The algorithm described here (referenced in the link you provided) is about solving the following optimization problem:

minimize log(det(A))
s.t. (P_i - c)'*A*(P_i - c)<= 1


One can extend this system of inequalities with the following constraint (V is the ellipse rotation matrix, for detailed info refer the link above):

V == [[1, 0], [0, 1]] // horizontal ellipse

V == [[0, -1], [1, 0]] // vertical ellipse


Solving the optimization problem with either of these constraints and calculating the square of the resulting ellipses will give you the required result.


